
November 13, 2010

Featured Genealogy: Past Voices - Letters Home

This week's featured Genealogy website is Past Voices: Letters Home

Discover your origins in letters as ancestors tell their stories and reveal family relationships, past events, moments in time and details of family history. Find your ancestors through their own letters sent to loved ones far from home.

Past Voices gives our ancestors a voice - and these voices from the past come alive in their letters. Many letters on Past Voices are from soldiers far from home. Nothing tells the true reality of war more than the simple writings of the common soldier. These poignant letters from lonely men to their mothers, wives or sweethearts will touch your heart. Some letters will leave you bewildered by their unemotional telling of horrors almost beyond our comprehension.

Past Voices also contains letters and memoirs from ordinary individuals going about their everyday lives. These letters provide us with a sense of history, of being there and experiencing life with the people who write about the times they live in.

Choose from Ancestor Letters USA, Ancestor Letters Canada or Ancestor Letters UK

1 comment:

  1. I found a box of letters my father wrote home shortly after my parents married and were living in California in the early 1940s. It was several years before I was born and I love having that glimpse of them. I wish i had a companion box of my mother's letters.
