
February 19, 2015

Woohoo! Just Ordered Proof Copy of my Van Valkenburg Vollick Book

Yesterday I ordered the proof copy of my new book on the Van Valkenburg-Vollick family. This book has been a dream for many years. I've been researching the Vollick (aka Follick) families for over 15 years in hopes of compiling a book one day. 

Isaac Van Valkenburg aka Vollick fought with Butler's Rangers during the American Revolution. He and his wife Anna Maria (Mary) Warner settled in Upper Canada in 1782. Isaac's Land Petitions, Affidavits of witnesses regarding his Loyalty to the British Crown, letters about Mary's ordeal after American Patriots burned her home and sent the family fleeing north to Canada in 1779, and other records are found in this book. 

Stories of Isaac's ancestors back to the first settlement of New Amsterdam (present day New York City) and Albany in the 1620s and Mary's ancestors back to the 1709 Palatine immigration from Germany to New York are included. 

Proof Copy Cover Van Valkenburg - Vollick book
This is Volume 1 of From Van Valkenburg to Vollick and is the story of Isaac Vollick the Loyalist and his sons and daughters. Volume 2 is almost ready for publication (it's about Isaac Vollick's son Cornelius Vollick and descendants of that branh), and Volume 3 has been started (it's on Isaac's son Storm Follick and descendants of that branch). Isaac had 5 daughters so there will be many more volumes to come.


  1. Good luck with your book! I think many of my readers will be interested as well, so I posted a link to this blog post on my Facebook page.

  2. Congratulations on completing your first book. The cover proof looks great! I also have a goal of compiling the information I am collecting on my family into a book one day in the future, so I know what a task it can be. What a big accomplishment and a gift to future generations!

  3. Congratulations! Your hard work is paying off. what publisher do you use?

  4. Hi Colleen and thanks. I used Createspace to self-publish. It's pretty easy to use and then the book goes automatically to Amazon for sale

  5. hi Regina. I didn't mean to mislead readers. This isn't my first book, in fact I have several already published at

    But it is only my second paperback using Createspace. My other books are e-books and coilbound. I'm loving doing them as paperbacks!

    I plan on giving copies to my children at Christmas :-)

  6. Hi Yvette and thank you1 I'd love to get the word out to Vollick/Follick descendants so I appreciate your linking to me

  7. Brent Ezzard11:34 AM

    I have just recently learned about my Vollick ancestry. My great grandmother was Emily May Vollick. I am eagerly awaiting your books to learn more. Thank you for all the time and work you have put into this.

  8. Brent -how nice to have you post here! Emily May was my great grandmother's niece! She was the daughter of George Hawley Vollick who was my great-grandma Mary Elizabeth's brother.

    I'm pleased to say that Vol 1 (about Isaac the Loyalist who is the Vollick ancestor) should be available in a few weeks

    Vol.2 (Cornelis and his descendants) perhaps in March. Cornelis is the branch you are from.


  9. Congratulations! That must be a wonderful feeling to have gotten to this point. I'm excited for you!

  10. I am thrilled to know you are publishing a book about the Van Valkenburg/Vollicks. I am anxious to have a copy. When will they be available on Amazon? I descend from Isaac's daughter Sarah, m Benoni Crumb. If you need additional information on this line, please feel free to ask me. I have only recently found this Dutch part of my ancestry and am anxious to learn more. Where do you fit into this heritage? Looking forward to this and future books!

  11. Hi West Coast Mom,

    I descend from your Sarah's brother Cornelius.

    Volume 1 should be available within the next 2 weeks and Vol. 2 on Cornelius will be available soon after.

    Sarah's is further down the list but I've been adding lots of documents and petitions for her husband and for Sarah too. Thank you for your offer but I think I have the bases covered that I will be writing about.

    If you want to drop me a line at olivetreegenealogy AT gmail DOT com I can add your name and email to the list of descendants who want to be informed when Vol. 1 is ready.


  12. thanks Dana! I'm pretty excited too.

  13. It looks great, Lorine! So glad to hear you recommend CreatSpace (I should have read the comments the first time!)
    - Brenda
