
October 6, 2008

Reading 17th Century Dutch Handwriting - Part Two

Reading Dutch Script: Studying the letter formations on a page of records

If you need help with Dutch names, you might find my section on New Netherland (present day New York) of some help. Anyone with ancestors from New York in the 1600s may find themselves with Dutch ancestry (which is what got me started on all this!)

It gives examples of >Dutch names = English names = Shortened Dutch names (nicknames). It also explains the use of suffixes -je or -tje, -je, -tje, -ie and -ke

To learn the patronymic naming system and the suffixes used there, you might find >Understanding Patronymics helpful

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    so where is there somebody who can actually read and transcribe 17th century documents? I can read a little bit but not all.
