
November 6, 2009

Updates from Newspaper Archive

One of the many things I like about is that you can get e-mail updates when new articles are added to the archive matching your search criteria.

I'm always searching for VOLLICK and FOLLICK anywhere, anytime in North America. So it's a challenge for me to remember what I've searched and where (and which individual!). So the email notification of new articles with my surnames of interest is a huge advantage and help to me in my genealogy hunt. is now adding content at a rate of more than 80,000 pages per day - that's roughly one page every second!

I couldn't possibly keep up with searching manually every single day and I'm loving this email notification benefit.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I am married to Eileen Vollick's sister's youngest son.Have much info on Vollick family.Email me what info you
