
January 1, 2010

New Year's Genealogy Resolutions

2010 is here. Another New Year for Genealogy. Have you made any Genealogy Resolutions? I decided that this year I would set a few goals (resolutions). Hopefully I'll stick to them!

1. File my genealogy papers. This goal really is the only one I should make. Given the dozens of tubs, piles of overflowing paper copies defying garbage, and general abundance of papers, this goal will take me all 365 days! But being an optimist, I've set more goals for 2010

2. Finish my books on the Peer Family of North America. I am so close to completing Volume 1! All I need is 2, perhaps 3 weeks of uninterupted time. That's possible isn't it?

3. Prove my SHUART family connection. Find more supporting evidence or better yet - conclusive proof - that my Elizabeth Shuart is the daughter of Henry Shuart and Rachel De Grauw.

4. Enter new-found genealogy data the same day I receive it! No more reading it and setting it aside

5. Go through my filing cabinets and enter genealogy data that I received, pored over in my excitement, then promptly set aside to enter "later".

Even though this is only 5 goals/resolutions, I think it is about all I can realistically expect to complete. I'll let you know on Jan. 1, 2011 if I was successful.

Hopefully you have some well-intentioned genealogy goals too. Let's hear about them! Feel free to post a comment here on Olive Tree Genealogy blog


  1. I think they're pretty realistic. Best of luck to you in the new year!! I hope you accomplish this and more!

  2. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Reading 1,4 and 5, I thought you were talking about me! Good luck with those to everybody.

  3. New Year's Eve was celebrated with gaiety and zest by the people of Germany. People were in a full mood to enjoy and party hard. These celebrations were all about dancing, singing, drinking and having a lavish meal. The huge New Year bash of Brandenburger Tor in Berlin was famous worldwide. As soon as clock striked 12 at night, people were seen hugging, kissing and wishing each other "Gutes Nue Jahr" or "Happy New Year".
