
February 12, 2011

RootsTech Day 3

Well today is the last day of the RootsTech Convention. If you didn't make it this year try to make it here for 2012! There have been so many exciting and informative presentations, and the keynote speakers have been inspiring and interesting. I've gone around the Exhibit Hall dozens of times in the past two days but I keep spotting things I want to look at or ask about.

The Flip-Pal booth has been packed with crowds. booth was standing room only yesterday (and they have a very large space!), Microsoft Playground with its pool tables, ping-pong tables, chess boards, Xbox games and free massages has been very busy.  The Cyber Cafe which provides free internet access on their computers always has lots of people. The Unconferencing board area is covered with ideas and room numbers and times to meet for those who want to join in the discussion. Unconferencing allows anyone to jot down a creative idea or discussion topic and invite others to join in. Very cool!

A fellow blogger also noted what looked like a group of developers in discussions with various attendees throughout much of yesterday. It's great to know that developers are interested in merging technology with genealogy and are willing to listen to genealogists' points of view.

Today I'm feeling a bit tired (make that exhausted!) so I've only scheduled one interview,  which should be very interesting - with Jay Verkler, the CEO of FamilySearch. I'm also meeting with and last night I met with personnel. Everyone I've talked to has been very willing to answer my questions.

I'm going to try to get to as many presentations as possible today so stay tuned!


  1. For the first time today I watched two of the talks by webinar sessions. I really wish someone could work with me locally to explain the technology. It seems like there are a lot of possibilities.

  2. I'm always staying tuned to you, Lorine. Thank you for the excellent coverage. Can't wait to watch (or read?) your interviews!
