
March 16, 2011

Mocavo - a NEW Genealogy Search Engine

Mocavo launched yesterday and it's definitely worth a look.

Quoting from the website

The world’s largest free genealogy search engine,, provides genealogists access to the best free genealogy content on the web including billions of names, dates and places worldwide. seeks to index and make searchable all of the world’s free genealogy information.

I took a peek today and it's pretty darn good. The search is fast. Results lead you directly to the website where the genealogical information is found. There's no sneaky trying to keep you in a frame of the original website. Websites that snag the visitor in a frame make it so you never really know where you are or where you found the information. Mocavo doesn't do that and kudos to the creator(s) for keeping it honest!

Mocavo is new so the indexing of genealogy data sites is not complete. There is a link where you can suggest a site you think should be included in the search results so that will speed things up once visitors start utilizing that ability.

I tried a couple of genealogy searches and was impressed with the speed. I'm going to be watching Mocavo closely over the next few weeks to see how it grows. You might want to check it out at


  1. Thanks for another good tip.

  2. You, Dick Eastman, and Randy Seaver all posted about this site today, so I had to try it before heading off to work. Got some great hits right away, including a short article in a newspaper about my great grandparents' wedding in 1882. Thanks so much for the tip!

  3. Lew Hartswick6:10 PM

    Took a short look and found a
    lot of the things it took me alot longer to find before. Looks promising.

  4. I am working on a project for school tracking several individuals that served in the 32nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. After reading your blog post I decided to try out Mocavo with one of the names I am researching and found two new resources that I had not previously seen. Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention.
