
March 19, 2011

Ready for a Genealogy Survey?

Are you an avid genealogist? If you answered yes, you may want to take this new genealogy survey being conducted by Myles Proudfoot.

Myles wrote to me to say that he attended RootsTech this year

"...and came away feeling very inspired to go discover more about the new generation of genealogists. As a way to give back to the genealogy community I have created a research survey about people's genealogy habits, attitudes and origins..."

Myles went on to say that he

"...will be happy to share the results with helpful bloggers, libraries, family history organizations or societies at no cost. If the results are really interesting I hope to share a paper at the next RootsTech about the new generation of family historians...."

Myles wants  to hear from genealogists  from all over the world. I took the survey and found it quite interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I'm Programs Chair for the Oklahoma Genealogical Society, and am interested in the results of the survey. How do I get in contact with Miles, to see if I can get the results, in order to share with our members?
    Thank you,
