
January 7, 2012

American Soldier Dog Tag: Home for Christmas!

I have such wonderful news for my readers re Case #8, Samuel Loftus and his Dog Tags which were found in England. Samuel Loftus' daughter and family received his dog tags before Christmas. His daughter wrapped the tag and put it under the tree for Samuel's grandson as a surprise.

The family took photos and kindly shared them with Olive Tree Genealogy so that my readers could see this happy ending.

Here is part of the letter from the family. It is wonderful to see the face of Samuel and his family and share in their joy at having Samuel's Dog Tag come home.

The one picture is of our son holding the dog tag in front of Sam Loftus picture on the wall.

Pops as we in the family called him was one outstanding individual.

In the other pictures is of our family:  my wife and Sam Loftus daughter, myself and our son and daughter.

I can't tell you how much Joy this dog tag has brought to us. Sam told me
many stories of his war time experiences when I would ride with him moving
cattle in the canyons of Imnaha in Wallowa County. You can only imagine how
he is missed by all that knew and loved him.

1 comment:

  1. Great story Lorine! I am posting to facebook as I have a couple of friends who follow the BentProp Project
    and I know they will like it too.
