
July 20, 2012

One of My Former Homes is Now a Historic Home

House present day
This is one of the homes I used to live in. We bought it in 1974 and lived there for three years. It was built in 1902 and has recently been classified as a historic home.

I wish the cute little barn/garage at the end of the driveway was visible. I'm not sure when it was built.

The home, when I lived there, had a front and back staircase. The back one went from the kitchen to an upstairs bedroom and I assume it was originally for the servants.

House in early 1900s
 Here is a photo showing part of the house in the early 1900s. It is the house just left of the tall pole. You can see that it once had an upper story balcony.

The second story window on the right was my young son's bedroom (ours was at the rear of the house).  We believed the house was haunted.

Many strange things occurred in that house and were centered around the rear bedroom and my son's bedroom. When he was 4 years old he insisted that a man came into his room and woke him up every night to talk to him.

House 1974-1977
The couple who bought the house after we left set it up as a Bed & Breakfast and promoted it as haunted. They too experienced unusual events, most centered in the front bedroom.

In this photo taken during the years we lived in the house, you can see that it had a different facade on the front of the attic.

It's kind of neat that it's been declared a historic home.

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