
March 2, 2013

3 Generations of Baby Cups

Olive Tree Genealogy: 3 Generations of Baby Cups
This photo shows three generations of baby cups. The one in the front is my husband Brian's. It has his first and middle name engraved.

The cup on the right is engraved "Tommy" and was Brian's father's.

The cup on the left was Brian's grandfather Charlie's baby cup. It is engraved "L.T.M." for his full legal name - Leon Thomas Massey

What family heirlooms do you treasure?


  1. Those are wonderful family treasures. I wonder if they were used often or just for display.

  2. Hubs says none were used to drink from but his grandfather used his to keep change in!

  3. Hubs just remembered that the reason his grandpa's cup is so dented is because as a baby he (Grandpa) used to bang it against the furniture!

  4. Good blog! I heard that there's one charity who will finds and rescues missing children for free and this charity is great! We should give support for this charity!

    Thank you for your informative post!
