In case anyone else has Brixham Devonshire ancestors, here is my list of surnames from this area:
Moses, Hooper, Petherbridge/Pethebridge, Helling, Martin, Lelton, Downing, Moxey, Skynner/Skinner, Cundett, Lucas, Nowell, Harvey, Joll, Prowse, Norman, Williams, Doust, Cole, Burd, Lambshead/Lamsed, Pearse/Pierce. My ancestors were living there before 1850.
Follow the links below to search for ancestors in transcriptions of the Parish registers by Judith Smith and Marie Simkus, provided by the Brixham Heritage Museum: full database search engine website grant funded by the Heritage Lottery. Database of all memorial inscriptions found in St Mary's church and grave yard 2019. 13,000 names entered on our project register. Also more information photographs/family histories/walks etc on our Cowtown St Mary's 1850-1900 Project on Facebook. Many thanks.