
August 28, 2014

Don't Miss Out on Free Access to Ancestry until Sept 1

The image says it all... Free access means NO credit card required! Free Access to  billions of records until September 1st 2014.


  1. I passed your message to a friend, and she said that the only thing she could see on the Ancestry home page was the usual 14 day free trial. Did she miss something?

  2. Jaybee, I can only assume your friend did miss something. Did she use the links from my blog?

    Those should go directly to the correct page for the free access. Free access means no credit card according to the email an Ancestry spokesperson sent me

  3. Actually, the access is to a collection of '1 billion new records from 67 countries' - I am uncertain how 'new' is defined. It isn't access to the whole site.

    It's still an opportunity for someone who doesn't have any access, or someone whose access is limited to one country.

  4. Robert7:53 PM

    Tried the link and only a small part is free. Go deep enough and it expects payment. Most of it is the free stuff we can access from FamilySearch.

  5. It's free access to "New Global Records" - that's why you can only see certain record groups at right now.
