
November 22, 2014

Photoduplication Services To be Discontinued at FamilySearch

Photoduplication Services To be Discontinued at FamilySearch
Genealogists will be disappointed to learn that  Photoduplication Services provided by FamilySearch are being discontinued as of December 5, 2014. As of this date, existing orders will be completed, but new orders will not be accepted. 

This would be the time for someone living in the Salt Lake City area and looking to make some extra money to step in and offer to retrieve documents for a reasonable fee. I know I'd use their services. 

I realize films can be ordered in to a nearby Family History Center and that's great if you live near one or are physically able to get out to one. I am one of those who can't access one.

Hopefully the termination of this service won't be too much of a negative impact on researchers but I for one will be sorry to see it go.


  1. Oh, No!! I've used it and always knew in the back of my mind it was available if I needed it.

  2. I requested Georgia Death Certificate copies for two of my great grandmothers last week. I was elated to find the service. What a shame!
