
December 4, 2014

Throw Back Thursday: My Dad

It's Throw Back Thursday, a day when many genealogists and bloggers post photos from earlier years.

Throw Back Thursday: My Dad
I love this photo of my dad, Cecil McGinnis, taken ca 1918 when he was just 2 years old. It's the only photo I've ever seen of him before his marriage to my mother.

You can see that I cropped it from a larger group photo. Today I opened it in Picasa and created what is called a Museum Matte to surround it and make it look like it is behind glass.

The original large group photo and the original cropped photo remain untouched - no changes were made to them. It's a good idea when playing with old photos to always make a copy and never alter the original.

I miss my dad. He died Christmas Day when I was just barely 14 years old. He was just 47 years old

Here's to you dad, you were taken from us at far too young an age.


  1. Another thing you can do is get an oval mat to minimize the people around him.

  2. What a lovely photo!
