
February 4, 2015

Ancestry Working on Improved Website

For the past few weeks I've been a beta tester for the new website is developing. I love it! It's visually appealing, easy to use,  and has all kinds of nifty features in the Family Tree section. We beta testers have had a few meetings with executives and I'm happy to report they are listening to our feedback. 
Example of a page in the new Ancestry site

If you want to be a beta tester and are going to Rootstech 2015, you can sign up at the booth. You can also sign up online (URL is given below)

Below is the official word from Ancestry on this new project:

Over the past year, we have been conducting extensive research and testing to gather user feedback on our existing Ancestry website and to identify critical pain points. As a result, we have been working on a groundbreaking initiative to evolve the Ancestry website to meet the needs of our users. We will introduce a new and improved Ancestry experience that makes it easier for anyone to discover and tell the rich, unique story of their family. 

The improved Ancestry website includes:

  • A new LifeStory view to transform your ancestors’ facts and events into engaging, unique stories
  • A new, intuitive, modern look to streamline your work flows and make your family story the focus
  • Historical Insights to discover significant historical events that your ancestors may have experienced
  • A new Facts View to make it easier to validate facts with sources, and edit and review facts contextually
  • A new Media Gallery where you can consolidate all your media in one place

We will be showcasing the Ancestry beta at RootsTech, Feb. 12-14. Visitors to the Ancestry booth will be able to opt in to participate in the beta. For those not at RootsTech who would like to be invited to the beta, visit this link to request to be on the waitlist:

We will be inviting new participants off the waitlist to join the beta over the next few months.


  1. It looks amazing! I've been hearing about the changes for awhile. When do you think they'll release them to all subscribers?

  2. Good for them! This sounds great.

  3. MusicWheelie,

    They are aiming for May 2015 IF the site is ready.

    I think users are going to love it

  4. that will be a lot easier to work with instead of having to go to so many pages just to get the information you want...
