
March 31, 2015

Another Orphan School Photo from 1919

While sorting and organizing my thousands of old photos, I came across another photo in my mother's cousin Doris Simpson's papers.  Doris was my grandmother's brother's only child and when she died in 1998 at the age of 89, all her photographs and photo albums came to me. Even though I do not know any of the people in most of her photos, I can't bear to throw them out without sharing them here. 
This is Lambton Park School, Toronto, 1919 at 50 Bernice Crescent, Toronto Ontario. Doris made a chart with her best recollection of the students' names. 

Back row: ?, Mr. Sproulx - principal, ?, Max Gilbert (wearing toque), rest unknown

4th row: Harrold Quarrington, ?, Florence Tipper, Alice Adams, Marion Mortimer, itola Quarrington, Ethel Chown, Frank Ellins?

3rd row: ?, Trudy Turner, Doris Simpson, Hazel Turner (with bow), Barb Douglas, Gladys Marrett, Kelly Taylor

2nd row: Diasy Chown, Janet Jamieson, Muriel Bell, ?, Dorothy Douglas, Lillian Marrett, Marjorie Summerfield, pauline Kerr

front row: Cliff Gilbert, ?, Norm Kirkwood, Robert Gilbert (holding sign), ?, ?, Billy Lee? , Jim Jemmett

If you have an ancestor in this photo and would like to own it, I will gladly send it to you free of charge. Just leave a comment on this blog post with a way to contact you.


  1. Good luck identifying those adorable children.

  2. I have a similar situation with my great aunt, Bertha McGhee's photos that came to me through my mother. Bertha lived into her 90s, a single lady with an interesting life.

    I plan to put her story into a book eventually.

  3. Please offer it to a library in Toronto; I am sure they would gladly accept.
