
June 1, 2015

Meeting Some Well-Known Genea-Peeps

My Genea-Peeps and Yours Truly
Yesterday I hosted a dinner and get together for a few of my genea-peeps who were attending or presentig at the OGS (Ontario Genealogical Society) Conference in Ontario. I had only met two in person - (Mark Olsen and Thomas MacEntee). It was wonderful to reconnect and to meet those who I only knew through Social Media! 

Thomas MacEntee, Dave Obee, Christine Woodcock, Janet Iles, Kathryn Lake Hogan and Mark Olsen joined my husband and I (and two of my grandchildren) for dinner and a lovely fun evening of laughter and genealogy talk. 

 It's always great to talk to like-minded people - namely other genealogists!!


  1. Lorine, thanks to you and Hubs for hosting us. Your grandsons were perfect gentlemen. The get together was a great ending to the conference. It allowed us to extend our time together in a more informal setting, knowing we didn't need to run off to the next talk. It was great to relax and enjoy each other's company. Thank you.

  2. Looks like a good time. Congrats on connecting in real life with "virtual" genealogy friends!

  3. Thank you so much for including me in the evening. The meal was delicious and the conversation fun. It is indeed wonderful to meet people that we only know through social media.

  4. It's always exciting meeting geneapeeps you 'know' of, but have never met. That's such a wonderful thing you and your husband did opening your house and getting to know them all better in a non-conference environment. Very special for all I'm sure.
