
July 13, 2015

The Top 10 Genealogy Influencers You Should Follow on Twitter

The Top 10 Genealogy Influencers You Should Follow on Twitter
To my great surprise (and delight!) I found myself ranked as #5 of 2,573 in the Top Genealogy Influencers

I'm in good company, just check out the names of those in the top 10:

Here's the top 10 and their Twitter Handle in case you aren't following them yet: 

1. @ancestry

2. Geneabloggers @geneabloggers
3. National Archives UK @uknatarchives

4. Family Tree Magazine @familytreemag

5. Yours truly! Lorine McGinnis Schulze of Olive Tree Genealogy @Lorinems

6. Kirsty Wilkinson @genealogygirl

7. Library of Congress @librarycongress

8. British Newspaper Archives @bnarchive
9. Genealogy Bank @genealogybank

10. Megan Smolenyak @megansmolenyak