
November 12, 2015

Update on Where Are the Canadian Genealogists Hiding?

In my original blog post Where (and Why) Are Canadian Genealogists Hiding? I listed the following Canadian Genealogists who I am personally aware of:
  1. Denyse Beaugrand-Champagne of Histoquest  
  2. Fred Blair of War of 1812 Canadian Stories  
  3. Ruth Blair of The Passionate Genealogist 
  4. Elise Cole of Librarians Helping Canadian Genealogists Climb Family Trees   
  5. Gail Dever of Genealogy à la carte 
  6. Yvonne Demoskoff of Yvonne's Genealogy Blog  
  7. Allison Hare  
  8. Katherine Lake Hogan of Looking4Ancestors 
  9. Janet Iles of Janet the Researcher   
  10.  Ken McKinlay of Family Tree Knots  
  11. Brenda Dougall Merriman 
  12. Janice Nickerson of Upper Canada Genealogy  
  13. Dave Obee
  14. John D. Reid of Canada’s Anglo-Celtic Connections  
  15. M. Diane Rogers of  Canada Genealogy, or, 'Jane's Your Aunt'  
  16. Lorine McGinnis Schulze of Olive Tree Genealogy website and blog 
  17. Diane Lynn Tibert of Roots to the Past  
  18. Christine Woodcock of Scottish Genealogy Tips & Tricks 
  19. Glenn Wright

It seemed to me there must be more Canadian Genealogists hiding out there somewhere so I put out a call to my readers and to Canadian Genealogists to submit names as well as websites.

Here is my additional list of Canadian Genealogy personalities submitted by my readers with links also submitted. 

  1. Darryl Bonk, curator of Waterloo Region Generations
  2. Annette Fulford of Canadian War Brides
  3. Jacques Gagne 
  4. Ian Hadden  
  5. Diane Hubou 
  6. Paul Jones  
  7. Sandra Joyce 
  8. Elizabeth Lapointe (sadly deceased) of Genealogy Canada
  9. Sher Leetooze
  10. Andrea Lister of Absolutely Literate 
  11. Jane MacNamara of Where the Story Takes Me
  12. Karen Mahoney of
  13. Dianne Seale Nolin of Genealogy: Beyond the BMD
  14. Michael O'Leary   
  15. Lynn Palermo of The Armchair Genealogist
  16. Hervé Pencalet 
  17. Marian Press
  18. Pat Ryan of Past Relations Genealogy Family History
  19. Wayne Shepheard of Discover Genealogy
  20. Louise St. Denis

The following names were also put forward by my readers but without submitted links to any biographies, blogs, or websites. Some of those below may be locally known only and not have an Internet presence. Some may be authors without a website. In any case here are more names put forward by my readers.

  1. Lesley Anderson
  2. Ruth Burkholder
  3. Sherry Irvine
  4. Paul Jones
  5. Patsy MacArthur
  6. David Pike
  7. Terrence Punch (sadly now deceased)
  8. Mike Quackenbush 
  9. Linda Reid
  10. Rick Roberts
  11. Gary Schroder
  12. James F.S. Thomson

I am still challenging other bloggers and genealogists to feature our fellow Canadian genealogists more often. Tweet about one or two! Write a blog post about a few! Make your Facebook page update about one or two! Let's see some community spirit. 


  1. Linda Corupe -

  2. Sorry, didn't submit my link,

    and I'm interested!

    Sandra Moffatt

  3. Great work Lorine.

  4. Thanks Lorine. I am a Canadian researcher of my husband's family and always need help. You have been a light to me in this endeavor. Understanding Canada through other's writings are a great help.

  5. Lorine,

    I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Terry (Terrance) Punch is very well known in Nova Scotia. I've met him a few times. He has several books out and has given talks on many subjects across the province over the years. He is the resident genealogist on CBC radio for the call-in show on Fridays. This show has been on for years.

    Here's a link where you can listen to him on Maritime Noon, CBC Radio:

    Here's a link to one of his earlier books "Genealogical Research in Nova Scotia". If you click the author's name, you'll see his other books:

    He chooses not to have an Internet presence.

  7. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Hi Lorine - my website is:
    Thank you for sharing this list.

  8. I am not a Canadian Genealogist and occasionally write about my Zumstein and Comfort ancestors from Ontario, Canada. Unfortunately, I am focused on my Geiszler line in Ohio (which married the Zumstein line that immigrated to the USA). When I return to the Canadians, I'll let you know.

    However, I would love to know who is a great resource for Ontario, Canadian questions. Such as, who knows the common abbreviations for the religions that appear in the Canadian census?

    Or, if I run into a stumbling block researching in Canada, who would be the first person you'd contact for advice.

    Thanks for compiling this list.

  9. There's also Celia Lewis of Vancouver, BC, who blogs at

  10. Rick Roberts is with

  11. Lesley Anderson is with

  12. Linda Reid and James F.S. Thomson are Toronto Branch, OGS members. Linda runs the e-newsletter and gives talks. James teaches lots of courses.

  13. Hilary Dawson is an excellent genealogist as well. She specializes in Black Canadians, especially Ontario.

  14. Kathie Orr is another great Ontario genealogist. She is an expert on land records.

  15. Johanne Gervais is in Quebec

  16. Linda Hauley at

  17. Francine Mulherin in NB

  18. Elizabeth Lapointe of Genealogy Canada - Elizabeth passed away March 13, 2017.

  19. I've found a tremendous amount of family info at Darryl Bonk's Waterloo Region Generations. I highly recommend the site to those with roots in the Waterloo County/Region area.
