
December 3, 2015

Blog Post No. 3000 and Almost 13 Years of Blogging!

Yep that's right. Today's blog post on Olive Tree Genealogy blog is Number 3000. 

My first post on this blog was February 9, 2003 (almost 13 years ago!). It was called Alms House Admission Records, New York City, NY 1855-1858 

I didn't post daily when I first started my blog and I rarely added images. Times change though and now I write daily and almost always include an image or two. 

It wasn't until 2011 that I made the commitment to publish daily. I was 10 blog posts short of that goal in 2012 but have made or exceeded it since then. 

I like goals. Goals keep me motivated. Writing a blog is not easy. There are many days when I don't feel like writing or I can't think of much to say. But having a goal and making a commitment to that goal keep me on track. 
Some of my most read and most popular blog posts over the years have been 

The Problem of Family Not Wanting Your Genealogy Research with 5,868 reads

10 Steps to Searching the Irish Catholic Parish Records When You Only Know a County of Origin with 4,787 reads
Did Your Ancestor Disappear from the Records? with 3,409 reads
Personal Opinion About Copyright and Plagiarism Online with 2,707 reads

and  Where (and Why) Are Canadian Genealogists Hiding? with 2,642 reads

My Sharing Memories page tops them all with over 22K reads! That pleases me as I am a huge advocate of all genealogists keeping a journal and recording their memories to preserve for future generations.

So today's post is an opportunity to share with my wonderful readers what's been happening on Olive Tree Genealogy blog over the past 154 months.  Without you, my readers, this blog would not be in existence. Without you, my readers, I would not write every day because let's face it - I don't write for me. I write for you. 

Thank you everyone for the past years and here's hoping I can continue for another 13! 


  1. Congrats! Great blog!

  2. I'd like to thank you for writing your blog every day -- because I read it almost every day (or catch up), and both enjoy it and learn from you.
    Congratulations on your 3000 posts! and best wishes.

  3. Congratulations - what an achievement! I admire the fact you can write every day, and look forward to reading more posts.

  4. Congratulations! I love reading your blog. Here is to another 3000!

  5. Congratulations!!! And, may you have thousands more!

  6. Congratulations Lorine, and thank you for all the work you did on Olive Tree!

  7. Congratulations Lorine! Thirteen years and you're still at it. That is incredibly commendable. I hope I can do as well. I enjoy your posts and appreciate your knowledge. Here's to another 13 years.
