
September 5, 2016

VOTE For Your Fav Rockstar Genealogist

The 2016 edition, the 5th year, of Rockstar Genealogist is open for voting.

Rockstar genealogists are those who give "must attend" presentations at family history conferences or as webinars, who when you see a new family history article or publication by that person, makes it a must buy. 

If you hang on their every word on a blog, podcast or newsgroup, or follow avidly on Facebook or Twitter they are likely Rockstar candidates.

The list of nominees is available at the link above. If you want to vote for ME (and I hope you do!) my name is WAAAAAY down the list under "S" Look for Lorine McGinnis Schulze .

The genealogist you choose to vote for does NOT have to be a speaker! They can be a popular blogger. (Like me? hint hint)

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