
November 16, 2016

Medieval Graffiti

Graffiti from the Middle Ages found in St. Margaret's Church in Cley-Next-the-Sea, on the north coast of Norfolk in eastern England, provides insight into personal expressions of faith in medieval England.

Matthew Champion, project director of the Norfolk and Suffolk Medieval Graffiti Surveys, explains that the ornate octagonal font that dominates one end of the nave of the church has  carved stone panels depicting religious scenes, including a baptism and the ordination of a priest. Tiny fragments of paint in the crevices confirm that the font was brightly decorated in medieval times.

On what looks like bare stone, flashlights reveal patterns: a series of perfect circles, filled with six-petaled flower patterns, scratched into the stone.

Read the description and conclusions about what this medieval graffiti meant at  Writing on the Church Wall

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's so interesting! I've never heard of such a thing.
