
December 19, 2017

Surnames A-Z: P

There's a new meme going around Facebook right now. Genealogists are listing their mother's maiden name, father's surname, maternal and paternal grandparents' surnames and a few more generations back.

It's a cute idea but I don't think it's wise to be providing such detail, especially your mother's maiden name, as it is often the secret question asked on sites where you require a password to log in.

So I'm revising the meme to suit me and I hope others will follow suit, either here as a comment on Olive Tree Genealogy blog, or on their own blog.

Over the coming weeks I'll be listing my surnames starting with "A" and going through the alphabet until I reach "Z".

I'll preface this with a caveat - most surnames are more common than you might think, so sharing a surname doesn't mean we're related. To be completely useful any surname list should have a geographic location and a time period. But this is just a fun little exercise and if you spot a name of interest, just let me know and we'll compare dates and locations.

P SURNAMES: Packman, Page, Pannell, Panterey, Parker, Parks, Parnell, Pascall, Pawell, Peer, Peerless, Penny, Pett, Philpot, Pierce, Pieters, Post, Potter, Prigg

Join me - maybe we connect! Find previous surnames on Surnames A-Z


  1. HOW does a person actually see the details on a name? Interested in the Pierce name.

  2. Shirley

    As the last paragraph of my blog post says "To be completely useful any surname list should have a geographic location and a time period. But this is just a fun little exercise and if you spot a name of interest, just let me know and we'll compare dates and locations."

    That's where the details are - in my genealogy program :-)

    Alice Theodosia Lloyd PIERCE was b Dawson Co. Nebraska ca 1891 to Robert and Minna PIERCE. She married into my VOLLICK family. I have no other info on her. But i have a great deal on the VOLLICK name if that's of interest to you.


  3. No, I don't recognize the name Vollick. My Pierce line is connected to Davis, Lundy, Tanner and Tillmans main lines.
    Thank you for responding.

  4. I have Pierces too... but from Pottstown PA. In my search, I have come across alternate spellings of Pierce as Pearce Pearse. Hope that may be helpful to someone.

  5. I have lots of P names listed in my blog at One that people may recognize is Planatagenet.

    Lorine - I have a Parker.
