
January 23, 2019

Tips to De-clutter that Email Box!

Recently my friend, and Van Slyke cousin, Thomas MacEntee shared a link to an article he wrote called 11 Ninja Tips to Declutter Your Email Inbox

I spent some time reading through it last night and found it very helpful! I don't know about you but I have thousands of unread emails in my two main email addresses. 

When will I ever find time to read or delete them? Every so often I go on a blitz and start deleting like mad. But that only weeds the numbers down a little.

The tip I most took to heart was to unsubscribe from a lot of mail I signed up for. I don't mean genealogy newsletters or anything genealogy related but why do I need to see all the "super hot deals" flying in to my mail box from Wayfair, E-bay, Western Digital, i-Robot.... I'm sure you get what I mean! So this morning I spent an hour unsubscribing from most of those. If I want to know what's special, I'll visit the website!

Thanks to Thomas I might just get this under control. Wish me luck!


  1. Reading them is easy. Deleting them is hard! Those conversations that often turn complicated about ancestors we are discussing have to be kept just to follow what happened. But once the leads and hints have been exhausted I need to move the conversations to a folder that is NOT labeled Inbox.

  2. Over the past few weeks, I've been really working on unsubscribing. And, although I usually have "tons" of unread, I actually am getting my entire email list deleted several times a week. It feels GREAT!
