
April 3, 2020

Free Google Chrome Extension for Ancestry

Thanks to Dear Myrtle for the following item:
Randy Majors announces that he just launched this free Google Chrome extension for Ancestry. Hope it helps find some "hidden" records!

Let this FREE tool do the work for you as you search on Ancestry.
Install here:

U.S. county boundaries have changed over 17,600 times since America was settled in colonial times. Don’t sabotage your search for ancestors by not knowing the correct county for the historical years you are researching.

While searching on Ancestry, the free Historical U.S. Counties Auto-Checker extension for Google Chrome automatically checks that the county existed in the year you are searching, warns of boundary changes, and links to historical county lines on Google Maps for the place and years you are searching!

Install for free today and never let an ancestor fall off the map again

Detailed walkthrough with screenshots:

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