
April 13, 2015’s Guess My Family Heritage Blogathon Contest

Time for some fun! Crestleaf is having a contest and I'm entering it. Can you guess my ancestral heritage from this photo of my ancestors? I'm not giving you any clues as to whether this is my dad's side or my mom's.

Your part in this is just for fun. I'm descended from the older couple in this photo and one of their children. Can you guess which child? Can you guess the heritage? I am curious who can correctly guess my heritage but I have no prize for correct answers. 

See the contest announcement on the Crestleaf blog. If you have a blog you can enter too.


  1. Not sure I could enter: I discuss all of my family heritage on my blog so one would just have to scroll through and find the answer that way...

  2. Anonymous1:13 AM

    female in back row.

  3. Ha! You were supposed to guess my heritage not which child was my ancestor. In any case you're wrong :-)

  4. Dawn, I thought the same thing but because I chose a photo I have not published before and did not say which side of my family it is, it's still a puzzle for my readers

  5. Does this photo show your Métis heritage, Lorine?

  6. Good guess Yvonne, but no.

  7. I'll take another stab at it, Lorine. Is it your Dutch heritage?

  8. Yvonne, I love that you are guessing but it's not my Dutch heritage.
