
October 25, 2019

Using JSTOR, an Overlooked Genealogy Resource

JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. According to a Twitter friend Finding Folk (@maki_ellen) journals often post obituaries of members.

With a personal JSTOR account, you can read 6 articles per month for free. I joined and then searched using the term "obituary" to see what I could find. 

Here's an example from Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, Vol. 96, No. 4756 (NOVEMBER 21st, 1947), p. 22 (1 page) - the obituary of Sir Alexander MacCormick born in Scotland 1856.

I'll definitely be spending more time on JSTOR in the future!


  1. I found a scholarly paper about my 6th-great grandfather. There are undoubtedly lots of articles about the historical context for various human migrations.

    Also, check with your library -- you'll probably have access to more than 6 articles a month.

  2. Thank you for this great tip. I already found great information.
