
December 14, 2021

Obituary Emily Stella Grover 1918

 Mrs Emily Stella Grover age 44 died in St Catherines Ontario 1918

Parents were Mr and Mrs Thomas Drake Of Dunnville Ontario

Husband Josiah Grover

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  1. There's no such place as St. Catherine's. The obituary VERY clearly says the death took place in St. Catharines. We've been called this and spelled this way since the 1790s.

  2. Dear Peter

    You are correct I appreciate having my typos or errors pointed out so I can make corrections, but wonder why you felt you had to be so mean-spirited about it? It doesn’t take any more effort to point out mistakes kindly and constructively


  3. Agreed, Lorine. How about, "Oh, I see there's a typo. It happens a lot...but it's really St. Catharines, not St. Catherines." Nastiness is not required :) Out of curiosity, I looked online and saw this Wikipedia article.

    I know Wikipedia is not always correct, and we don't know who does the entries. I was curious about the lack of an apostrophe, which drives me nuts. Wikipedia states that it's not known which Catharine the city is named after. Given the lack of an apostrophe, perhaps it was all of the ones named in the article. We have the St. Johns River here in Florida, also with no apostrophe. It makes me want to scream.

    However, I digress. The typo could have been mentioned in a much nicer way.
