Are you on Twitter? Facebook? Google+? These are a few of the social networking sites that can help you stay connected with friends, family and people whose work or posts you enjoy.
Take me for example. Here's the many different ways you can follow, like, circle, connect with or interact with me or my Olive Tree Genealogy website, blog or newsletter.
* Follow me on Twitter @LorineMS
That's where folks who tweet have the challenge of sharing information in 142 characters or less. I can interact with others who I follow. They can interact with me. Or I can post my thoughts on any topic I'm interested in and try to get a discussion going. I can also search for others discussing a topic, by using the Twitter Hashtag (#) followed by the topic name.
Did you know I was chosen as one of Ten People All Genealogists Should Follow On Twitter? That's pretty cool!

It's a bit easier on Google+ because we have on limitations on how much we say. So for wordy folks like me, it's great! I can share tips with you, or start a discussion on a genealogy topic. Or, as I've been doing recently, posting a few photos of my favourite pieces from my collections of antiques.
* Like my Olive Tree Genealogy page on Facebook.
A summary of the Olive Tree Genealogy and Ask Olive Tree blog posts are posted here every day. Readers can interact or post their own quesions or thoughts. You can also post videos or photographs
* Subscribe to Olive Tree Genealogy free newsletter .
Every so often (once or twice a month) the Olive Tree Genealogy newsletter comes to you in your email or you can go to Yahoo Groups to read it. You can't post to the newsletter, it's an announcement only type of deal. This is where I post updates and announcements of new genealogy added online
I haven't mentioned Olive Tree Genealogy Blog because if you're reading this, you already know that you can post comments and join in any post discussion you wish.
So there you have it. These are the ways I connect with family and friends, or follow personalities I'm interested in. You may be thinking there is NO WAY you are going to sign up for all these networking options! And you don't have to. Choose the one that suits you best.
But don't overlook the terrific new tools that can keep you connected online.
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