These New York City Almshouse records are my favorite to work with as they contain details of admitted individuals' immigration to the City. Following are links for admission books from 1782 to 1858 (with gaps from 1840 to 1855). Please note that this is an ongoing project and not all records have been transcribed. These records are free for all to search, as are all record sets on Olive Tree Genealogy.
New York Almshouse 1782-1813 Surnames "A" | Surnames B | Surnames C. Records contain name of ancestor, date admitted, age, where from or born, complaint [illness], discharged, died, remarks.
Almshouse Records New York 1819-1840. These records contain Date of Admission; Foreigner (Surname); Foreigner (First Name); Age; Place of Birth; Vessel Name; Where From
Almshouse Records New York City 1855-1858. These records contain Date of Admission, Name, Age, Nativity, Time of Arrival, Port Sailed From, Port Arrived At, Ship, Captain, Married or Single, Who Can Identify Them, How Many Times on The Island, Remarks
Photo: Randall's Island House of Refuge, New York
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