Of course I planned to continue my genealogy research as well.
I did finish the first draft of "A Grave Secret" but sadly was not able to publish it in 2017. I was laid up with quite a bit of pain for 6 weeks last year and that impacted my writing greatly. As well my health issues and physical issues continue to challenge me. But 2018 is around the corner - a new year and as always, I will continue to forge ahead as best I can.
2018 GOALS
We bought a cottage on an island last fall so I could have a writing retreat and I can hardly wait for Spring so I can get back full time to my writing! Yes, that's my main goal for 2018 - write, write, and do more writing.
My New Netherland Series of books on 17th century settlers in what is now New York is also going well so I plan to publish several more in that series in 2018.
You can see the list of New Netherland books I have published so far, on my New Netherland section of my Olive Tree Genealogy website.
And now it's your turn! What are your goals for 2018?
Happy New Year! Enjoy your writing journey with your book & may you have many happy family discoveries in 2018!
Thanks! Same to you :-)
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