If we don't find our ancestor in one of those common marriage records, we're often stuck! Where to search next? The Ancestor Marriage Record Finder can help direct you to alternate sources for marriage records. All we need to do is think outside the box.
Ask yourself what happens when a couple marries? What events take place around a marriage? What kind of Marriage record paper trail is created at the time of marriage of an individual? The answers to these questions will lead you to other sources of marriage records and hopefully end that brick-wall.
I'm intrigued - is this book specific to a particular country or around the world? I've stumped on a marriage that took place either in the U.S. OR Nova Scotia and at my wits' end (after 25 years of looking for it). :)
Thanks for directing us towards this resource.
Wendy - it's not a list of specific resources. It's a list of *ideas* of what a genealogist could look for, and where a genealogist could look when they've exhausted the usual marriage sources.
Thanks Lorine! I was hoping it would be various tips to consider other options. Buying it right now for weekend reading.
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