Following is a list of Defendants in Wellington County, the charges brought against them and the year. This is an index only, for full details consult RG 22-392 at the Archives of Ontario. These are not online, and are not available on ILL (InterLibraryLoan). You have to search in person at the Archives of Ontario.
It might be easier for you to find what you need to get the full record on a person of interest, by using the links at Olive Tree Genealogy's Special Collections in Ontario page. Look for the link to Archives Descriptive Database
- Alexander, William J.; Charged with Criminal Negligence: Wellington County
- Allen, Cyrus; Charged with Perjury: Wellington County
- Beardsley, Cyrus B.; Charged with Arson: Wellington County
- Bedard, John et al.; Charged with Manslaughter (NOTE: Jail Governor assaulted
- during escape attempt - LATER DIED of injuries): Wellington County
- Beisel, Nellie; Charged with Murder: Wellington County
- Bingham, Frank; Charged with Seduction: Wellington County
- Blake, John et al.; Charged with Assault; Robbery with violence: Wellington County
- Braiden, James; Charged with Riot and Assault: Wellington County
- Bunyan, John; Charged with Destroying for a fraudulent purpose a valuable security:
- Wellington County
- Burgess, James; Charged with Horse stealing: Wellington County
- Burgman, Albert B.; Charged with Criminal Negligence: Wellington County
- Burke, A.L. et al.; Charged with Conspiracy: Wellington County
- Canfield, Patrick; Charged with Attempt to have Carnal Knowledge: Wellington County
- Canfield, Patrick; Charged with Manslaughter: Wellington County
- Carriere or Cariere, George; Charged with Shooting with Intent to Murder: Wellington County
- Cartledge, John; Charged with Manslaughter: Wellington County
- Cass, John; Charged with Manslaughter; Assault: Wellington County
- Cassidy, William; Charged with Embezzlement: Wellington County
- Chambers, Thomas; Charged with Larceny (2 counts each): Wellington County
- Clarke, Wilfred R.; Charged with Manslaughter: Wellington County
- Clarke, William; Charged with Conspiracy to prevent public justice: Wellington County
- Cooper, Henry; Charged with Horse stealing; Larceny of a Chattel: Wellington County
- Cooper, James; Charged with Rape: Wellington County
- Coughlin, James; Charged with Assault causing actual bodily harm: Wellington County
- Coutts, William; Charged with Murder (not guilty by reason of insanity): Wellington County
- Cudney, Epsie (Female); Charged with Uttering forged notes (2 counts): Wellington County
- Dewitt, George; Charged with Carnally knowing a girl under 14 years: Wellington County
- Dingman, Peter; Charged with Seduction: Wellington County
- Douglass, George; Charged with Embezzlement: Wellington County
- Dowling, John; Charged with Assault: Wellington County
- Dudley, Eliza; Charged with Concealment of birth: Wellington County
- Elliott, Albert; Charged with Cattle Stealing: Wellington County
- Elliott, Thomas; Charged with Cattle Stealing: Wellington County
- Field, Robert; Charged with Larceny (2 counts each): Wellington County
- Field, Robert; Charged with Larceny: Wellington County
- Fischer, James; Charged with Attempting to commit Rape: Wellington County
- Fischer, James; Charged with Indecent Assault: Wellington County
- Fleming, Mathew et al.; Charged with Criminal Negligence: Wellington County
- Foley, John; Charged with Defamatory Libel: Wellington County
- Forrestill, Philip; Charged with Forgery and Uttering: Wellington County
- Garner, Benjamin; Charged with Embezzlement: Wellington County
- George, Earl; Charged with Manslaughter: Wellington County
- Gerrie, Peter; Charged with Perjury: Wellington County
- Gilbert, Richard; Charged with Seducing a girl between fourteen and sixteen years:
- Wellington County
- Giovannizzo, James et al.; Charged with Murder: Wellington County
- Girvin, Thomas; Charged with Rape; Administering of a drug to commit an Indictable
- Offence: Wellington County
- Goetz, Charles; Charged with Rape: Wellington County
- Goings, Victor; Charged with Attempt to Commit Rape: Wellington County
- Golden, James; Charged with Conspiracy to prevent public justice: Wellington County
- Goodrich, Rhemus; Charged with Uttering: Wellington County
- Grand Trunk Railway; Charged with Common Nuisance: Wellington County
- Gray, Samuel; Charged with Arson (See also Morgan-1880): Wellington County
- Grimshaw, Thomas; Charged with Perjury: Wellington County
- Grisch, Charles; Charged with Indecent Assault: Wellington County
- Guelph, City of; Charged with Maintaining a Common Nuisance: Wellington County
- Guelph, Municipal Corp. of; Charged with Maintaining a Nuisance: Wellington County
- Hamill, Thomas; Charged with Obtaining a chattel by False Pretenses: Wellington County
- Hammond, William; Charged with Assault: Wellington County
- Hanlon, William; Charged with Forgery (2 counts): Wellington County
- Harold, Edward; Charged with Arson: Wellington County
- Harvey, William H.; Charged with Murder (Three victims but only one case tried):
- Wellington County
- Hawkins, James; Charged with Forgery: Wellington County
- Hewitt, Isaac; Charged with Forcible Entry (See also Watson - 1881): Wellington County
- Hill, Thomas; Charged with Rape: Wellington County
- Hornbostle, Edward; Charged with Assault with intent to commit rape: Wellington County
- Howes, Conrad; Charged with Uttering (3 counts): Wellington County
- Hunt, James; Charged with Break, Enter and Stealing,: Wellington County
- Ibbotson, Robert; Charged with Larceny: Wellington County
- Jackson, Harvey; Charged with Criminal Negligence: Wellington County
- Johnston, William; Charged with Larceny: Wellington County
- Keating, Alexander; Charged with Manslaughter; Assault: Wellington County
- Keleher, Richard; Charged with Uttering (3 counts): Wellington County
- Kelly, Patrick; Charged with Stealing Cattle (See also Myles- 1880): Wellington County
- Kennry, Thomas; Charged with Manslaughter: Wellington County
- Kenny, Thomas (Jr.); Charged with Malicious injury to real property: Wellington County
- Kilpatrick, David C.; Charged with Forgery (4 counts): Wellington County
- Kinsman, Daniel; Charged with Conspiracy: Wellington County
- Kinsman, Daniel; Charged with Conspiracy: Wellington County
- Krantz, Fred; Charged with Incest: Wellington County
- Legaro, Tony; Charged with Murder: Wellington County
- Leich, Hubert; Charged with Manslaughter: Wellington County
- Loker, Margaret; Charged with Murder: Wellington County
- Loughran, Colonel; Charged with Concealment of birth: Wellington County
- Lovell, William John; Charged with Horse stealing (2 counts); Larceny: Wellington County
- Lowry, Richard; Charged with Horse stealing; Larceny of a Chattel: Wellington County
- Madill, Elmer; Charged with Arson; Criminal Conspiracy: Wellington County
- Madill, John Byron; Charged with Arson; Criminal Conspiracy: Wellington County
- Madill, John Byron; Charged with False Pretenses: Wellington County
- Madill, John Byron; Charged with Perjury: Wellington County
- McCall, William; Charged with Endangering safety of travellers on Railway:
- Wellington County
- McCarthy, Edward; Charged with Fraud: Wellington County
- McCorvie, Bert; Charged with Criminal Negligence: Wellington County
- McDermott, Jeremiah; Charged with Larceny and Embezzlement: Wellington County
- McGrath, Thomas; Charged with Rape: Wellington County
- McKnight, William; Charged with Perjury: Wellington County
- McShane, Frank; Charged with Rape: Wellington County
- Milligan, Alexander; Charged with Shop Breaking: Wellington County
- Mills, McKenzie; Charged with Forgery: Wellington County
- Mitchell, Henry; Charged with Wounding with intent: Wellington County
- Morgan, John; Charged with Arson (See also Gray-1880): Wellington County
- Myles, George; Charged with Stealing Cattle (3 counts) (See also Kelly - 1880):
- Wellington County
- Nelson, Robert; Charged with Rape: Wellington County
- Nichol, John James; Charged with Robbery attended with violence: Wellington County
- O'Connor, James; Charged with Abusing girl under 14 years (less than 11 years):
- Wellington County
- O'Donnel, James; Charged with Assaulting a Police Officer: Wellington County
- O'Keefe, John; Charged with Burglary; Larceny: Wellington County
- Paddock, George; Charged with Seduction under Promise of Marriage: Wellington County
- Peavoy, Joseph; Charged with Arson: Wellington County
- Portatelli, Guiseppe; Charged with Murder: Wellington County
- Powley, William; Charged with Perjury: Wellington County
- Price, Martin; Charged with Burglary: Wellington County
- Purcell, John; Charged with Rape: Wellington County
- Ragan; Charged with Housebreaking: Wellington County
- Ray, Gladstone; Charged with Murder: Wellington County
- Reid, Mark; Charged with Breaching Rail Road Rules (Train Wreck and Death):
- Wellington County
- Roberts, Charles; Charged with Murder (Not guilty by reason of Insanity): Wellington County
- Roberts, Samuel; Charged with Perjury; Disobedience of Statute: Wellington County
- Royce, Frederick; Charged with Conspiracy: Wellington County
- Royce, Frederick; Charged with Conspiracy: Wellington County
- Searle, William; Charged with Seduction: Wellington County
- Sherwood, Eleazar; Charged with Forgery (3 counts): Wellington County
- Soden, Robert; Charged with Larceny: Wellington County
- Steinberg, Samuel; Charged with Theft: Wellington County
- Stewart, Alexander; Charged with Speaking Seditious Words: Wellington County
- Stone, Mary; Charged with Larceny: Wellington County
- Strome, George; Charged with Causing death by furious driving and other wilful misconduct:
- Wellington County
- Swift, George Edward; Charged with Manslaughter: Wellington County
- Thompson, Joseph; Charged with Breaching Rail Road Rules (Train Wreck and Death):
- Wellington County
- Thompson, Richard; Charged with Having possession of explosives with
- intention to injure property: Wellington County
- Turner, George; Charged with Unlawful wounding: Wellington County
- Walker, Charles S.; Charged with Obtaining Money by False Pretenses: Wellington County
- Walker, James; Charged with Arson: Wellington County
- Watson, Adam et al.; Charged with Forcible Entry and Detainer
- (See also Hewitt- 1881): Wellington County
- Wilkie, Thomas; Charged with Rape; Indecent Assault: Wellington County
- Williams, Edward; Charged with Horse Stealing: Wellington County
- Williams, James; Charged with Attempted Rape: Wellington County
- Williams, James; Charged with Larceny (of copper tubes): Wellington County
- Williams, Rainer; Charged with Rape: Wellington County
- Wilson, Peter; Charged with Manslaughter: Wellington County
- Wright, William; Charged with Steal registered Letter: Wellington County
- Young, Robert; Charged with Receiving stolen Goods: Wellington County
- Zinger, Joseph; Charged with Murder: Wellington County
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