I love anything that inspires us to write our own memoirs! As a baby boomer myself I began jotting down my memories of childhood several years ago. So many of my readers seemed interested but didn't know how to start! So I set up a monthly Sharing Memories blog post - where I provided a prompt such as "Grandma's Cooking", shared my own memories of the topic, and encouraged my readers to join in.
This was intended to help genealogists overcome writer's block and get their own stories down permanently. You can see a few of the prompts on my Sharing Memories page
Now you can use my e-book Writing Your Memoirs For Descendants: Prompts for Recording & Preserving Your Family Stories and Memories
You can read it on the Amazon Kindle Cloud reader (free) or the Kindle App (also free)
Don't wait. By setting aside a few minutes each week you can preserve your childhood and family memories to pass on to your children and grand-children.
Can you imagine how excited one of your descendants would be 100 years from now to read what you experienced, to learn about family members and events such as births, weddings and funerals? I know how thrilled I would be to find my great-grandmother's journal (or any ancestor's stories)
I thought I could do this. But my memories are too painful to think about. If I had happy memories I'd be all over this.
My memories aren't happy ones - verbally abusive home life. Found that by writing it out, I saw it so that I began to feel better about it. Not that it was any less sad, but I was able to come to grips with my memories & feel better about myself. Even finding some forgiveness for my family.
Julie how wonderful that you were able to make something positive from such a bad memory. I'm glad writing your journal helped you!
T - so sorry to hear you had such an unhappy childhood and I hope you can find a way to overcome those bad memories
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