Have you ever wanted to be on TV? Now's your chance! Submit a video sharing how you started using Ancestry.com
and you might be the one chosen to star in their next commercial.
Here's how to do it:
Answer the
following questions about your experience. Just three minutes or less
on a smartphone to share your story.
- How did you get started and what steps led to your first discovery?
- Was it easier or faster than you thought it would be? Why?
- What did you learn? Did it make you feel differently about yourself or your family?
Submit your video file by October 13, 2015, along with a few more details about yourself. To be eligible, you’ll need to be available for a day of filming sometime between October 26th and 28th.
I had my DNA tested and Ancestry had the results. Without my consent, someone gave my DNA record to an Australian filmmaker, who working with an Australian university, found I have relatives in Australia. My point: unethical behavior on the part of both Ancestry, the filmmaker and the university. I never gave permission for this to be shared. Now they are aghast that I feel this way and refuse to tell me who the relative is. Do I want to deal with this company in a video? No. The filmmakers wanted me to be in a documentary they're making about Germans to Australia.
Patricia - when you submit your test to any DNA company, you match hundreds, if not thousands of individuals.
I'm willing to bet that your DNA record was NOT "taken" and shared by Ancestry, but that one or more of your matches was also a match for the filmmaker or was the filmmaker him/herself! So it was easy to triangulate and find out you matched people or persons in Australia.
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