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Seal of New Netherland |
Translation: Susannetge vandeWater widow of Franchois Willemsz repeals all previous wills and codicils. She explains and preges the following people. The children of her brother Abraham Abrahams van Water in Dordrecht, her cousin Isaacq van Water in Amsterdam, neglected son of her brother Pieter van de Water, the children of her deceased brother Joost van de Water, Ariaentge Joosten, Sara Joosten, and Isaacq Joosten, Elijsabeth Cornelisdr daughter of Grietge Jansdr, the children of Jacob Standoncq, Jan Standoncq and Sijmen Standoncq, acquires his wife Ariaentge, Paul Jansz Standonck de Jonge, with a bond charged to Hubert Caijmacxschild for the purchase of a house bought by the said Paul Standoncq de Jonge and located on the Cordewagenstraat, Michiel Couweberg, ysermaker, 100 guilders plus a suit of Paules Standoncq de Oude, to her maidservant Grietge Pietersdr or Elisabeth Pietersdr, to Maria Damen residing at Nieuw Nederlant, to Willem Pietersz, bouwman , and his wife Elijsabeth Joppen, at Annetge Joppen residing in the Beijerland, to Cathalijntge Pietersdr daughter of Pieter Corsti aen, to the poor of the church 2 bonds charged to Arij van de Marel, to Gijbert Huijen van der Swiep for her funeral.s sole and universal surname she appointed her sister Sara van de Water widow of Govert Govertsz.
Source: Datering: 20-sep-1653
Aktenummer: 382
Bladzijden: 377 t/m 378
Standplaats: Rotterdam
Notaris: Vitus Mustelius Woutersz
Akteplaats: Rotterdam
Aktesoort: testament
oegangsnummer: 18 Notarissen te Rotterdam en daarin opgegane gemeenten (ONA)
Inventarisnummer: 504
Organisatie: Stadsarchief Rotterdam
1 comment:
What a great find! My Van Wormers came to this area, also from the Netherlands, about the same time. Thanks for your postings.
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