It's a cute idea but I don't think it's wise to be providing such detail, especially your mother's maiden name, as it is often the secret question asked on sites where you require a password to log in.
So I'm revising the meme to suit me and I hope others will follow suit, either here as a comment on Olive Tree Genealogy blog, or on their own blog.
Over the coming weeks I'll be listing my surnames starting with "A" and going through the alphabet until I reach "Z".
I'll preface this with a caveat - most surnames are more common than you might think, so sharing a surname doesn't mean we're related. To be completely useful any surname list should have a geographic location and a time period. But this is just a fun little exercise and if you spot a name of interest, just let me know and we'll compare dates and locations.
M SURNAMES: Marical, McGinnis, Meeks, Michell, Miller, Miriot, Mitchell, Mokenesse, Moockers, Moore, Moses, Motteram, Muller, Munck, Munday
Join me - maybe we connect! Find previous surnames on Surnames A-Z
My ggGrandmother, Mary McGuinness was born 1832 in Co. Meath and died 1864 in Peel Township, Ontario. She is buried at St. Anthony's Cemetery in Peel. She married Sebastian Wagner in Peel. Any connection?
Patrick - none that I know of. My McGinnis were from Co. Down, and settled in Wellington Co. (Guelph area)
McGrew--Scots Irish "lost" their right to their original name and tartan after Culloden so we draw a brick wall there. THey used McGrew in Ireland and in US, where they migrated after ca 1710 to PA, Later went to Tennessee; my branch went to central IL where my g grandfather, Mansfield Cromwell McGrew, became a country schoolteacher and farmer. His wife's sister drew him west to Idaho in the 1880s, where he became a school principal and ran a mercantile store on the side. Later moved to Walla Walla,Walla Walla Co, WA because his 6 daughters were bright and he wanted them to have a chance to go to college. Most became teachers.
I have lots of "M" surnames. A couple of yours may match mine. http://familyandmemories.blogspot.com/2018/01/surnames-z-m-names.html
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