Gordon Wake, the descendant who I contacted after finding his Family Tree on Ancestry.com
Gordon tells me he is overjoyed to finally see a photo of his grandfather! And I am equally pleased that these photos have now found a new home to be treasured and shared with other descendants.
Even as I write this blog post, Gordon is happily scanning the photos to share with two descendants here in Canada.
I also included in the package several pages of the hand-written notes I made while my husband and I studied and analyzed clues in each photo.
Gordon requested I send those as they might help him to identify more of the individuals who appear in the photos.
This was such a happy ending story for me and I was privileged to be part of it! I'm so glad I didn't pass that album by which I admit I almost did as it was rather expensive. But I kept returning to it in the store and I knew I had to have it.
Credits: Images courtesy of Gordon Wake
I'll try once more to prove I'm not a robot, and then I give up. What a happy ending to this story.
You done good, Lorine!
Wonderful Story! Very nice of you to find the owner.
Peg, I don't know how many times you tried but I had three (3) comments from you waiting to be moderated. :-)
Thanks for sharing. It's nice to see that your efforts were appreciated!
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