But as mentioned in a previous blog post I wrote in August 2013 called Heir & Devisee Commission 1797-1854 on Canadiana.org - Listing Errors and a Workaround, the index and description of what is in each film, as provided on Canadiana.org, is INCORRECT.
Of the 21 microfilms on Canadiana.org, 10 are
incorrectly identified as to volume numbers and content contained.
I have been slowly going through each film and noting the correct contents in detail. My first set of detailed listings of the contents of film H1133 can be viewed at No Response from Canadiana.org so here are the Heir & Devisee Commission Film Details
It has been three (3) years since I wrote to Canadiana.org (more than once) offering my list of corrections for their website and the one brief response I received was from whoever monitors their Twitter account - that response was simply that they would pass my message on. It is extremely disappointing to realize that Canadiana.org simply doesn't care about serious errors on their website - errors which affect researchers.
A complete and correct list of contents of film H1135 can be found on Olive Tree Genealogy website at Finding Aid for Heir & Devisee Commission Online Films
That is terrible that they haven't responded to you. But thank you for your hard work and providing the information.
How lazy can you get? Someone does all the work FOR you and you can't be bothered to contact her? Can't correct your site? Why do you have Heir & Devisee Commission Papers on your site? Why not put them on Olive Tree Genealogy site and be done with it?
What about calling the new interim Executive Director directly? He used to be the Chief Info Officier previously too: http://www.canadiana.ca/contact. Or, his email should still be the same... william.wueppelmann@canadiana.org
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