C-6866 image 878 |
Upper Canada Sundries hold an incredible treasure trove of early Ontario genealogy information but are often overlooked by genealogy researchers.
The Sundries date from 1766-1841. This series is part of the Civil Secretary's Correspondence
for Upper Canada and Canada West. It consists of letters, petitions,
reports, returns and schedules, certificates, accounts, warrants, legal
opinions, instructions and regulations, proclamations and other
documents received by the Civil Secretary of Upper Canada, 1791-1841,
together with copies of some documents of 1766-1809, made for reference
purposes. (From Heritage Canada website)
The Sundries are not indexed but they have been digitized and put online on
Heritage Canada on 94 reels of microfilm. Here is an example of what you might find if you take the time to look.
Film C-6866 has the following signatures to a petition dated 1828. If you see your ancestor in the list you can find the image and see how he signed his name.
Just go to Film C-6866, and choose image 878 from the dropdown menu.
Signatures to a petition dated Hamilton, 22nd November 1828. Signatures: James Cope, Barnabus Howard, Andrew Kichen Jr., James Kirkpatrick, John Daly, John K. Cooks, James Blaikie, Joseph A. Crooken, Jacob Cummins, David Cummins, Daniel Cummins, John Cummins, James Park, Samson Howell, Jas. Deary, Joseph Chatterson, Francis McElroy, Phillip Miller, Robert H. Edgar, John Hill, Bernard McKernan, John Adams, William Petrie, Jeramiah S. Hunt, Samuel Cornell, Samuel Betrener, George Hanes, Andrew Vanevery Sr. Peter Vanevery, Andrew Vanevery Jr., Peter VanEvery Jr., Alexander Hanes, Christian Christner, John Muirhead, John J. Cope, Jesse Millard, Moses D. Hunt, Wm. Keane, Benony Cornell, Andrew Whitesel, John D. Cornell, Jacob Cornell, William Cornell, John Ramsay, Seth Knowles, John Deary, James Cope, Barnabas Howard, Andrew Kitchen Jr., James Kirkpatrick, John Dayly, John K. Crooken, James Blaikie, Wm. B. Sheldon, Henry VanWagner, Julius Morgan, W. Turner, Asa Mann, Robert Hilday, Robert L. Hughson, Abram Garvey, Wm. Crownover, John Depue, James Oliver, Michael M. Mills, Samuel Mills, John Saw, Stephen Randal, John Aikman, Joshua Applegarth, Jno Wright, B. Mulhollan, Abraham R. Smith, Shermon Wright, Wm. Sterling, Bucklin Alderman, Samuel J. Riddle, Charles Terry, Hannah E. Hallock, Philip Firth, John Terry, Isaac Stephenson, Peter Jones, Michael Aikman, T.C. Pomroy, Daniel McCollom, George Ransier, Wm, A. Atkin, H. Smith, George Cary, James G. Strobridge, Isaac Horning Sr., David Laing, Joseph Kirkendall, D.L. Dennis, A. Newcomb, Samuel Potts, Richard Hobbs, Amos McVaigh, John Smith, Thomas Hilday, F. Marund, William Wallace, John Watson, Kennet McKensy, Charles McCarty, Sullevan Birtram, Jacob Spaun, John Oleg, George R. Cooper, David Stewart, John Davis, Abraham Sabar, Michael Horner, Joseph Barry, Philip Jones, Samuel Sutton, Peter R. Ludlow, Aaron Glover, George Fonger, Hugh Johnson, Lewis R. Crawford, James Pettit, Peter Glover, John Pettit, Angus McAfee, James Stewart, William Huball, Owen Robert, Philip Magee, Normant Lamont, Thomas Stewart, W. King, James D. Stephens, Wm. Blain, Joseph H. King, W.A. Stephens, Simon Lyons, John McIntire, Clement Lucas, Jacob, Young, Thomas Lucas, Pierre LeClaire, William Lucas, John Snoob, Ephraim Hopkins, N.E. Manwaring, Isaac Smith, James Mills, John Madson, George Lanley, A. Bates, Andrew Gags, John Fonger, Robert Bates, Niel Taylor, John Livingston, William Smith, George Chisholm, James King, John Colquhaun, John Bachelder, David Farly, Thomas Choate, Peter McFee, Era Chisholm, William Kerr, Wm. Case, Peter Hess Sr., Andrew Bradt, Henry Fonger, Adam Crips, Andrew Weage, John Weage, Andrew Flock, John Crips, Christopher Kirk, Isaac Blain, Wm. Terryberry, Jacob Terryberry, Aulno Gorlyck, John Grooms, Leviness Vandusen, Elain Stimson, Thomas Grooms, James Johnson, David Terryberry, Benj. Sharp, Helmus Fredenburgh, Caleb Cook, Harlinde Orton, Samuel Moore, John C. Magiverin, Charles Kirk, Thos, Milnie, Hinry Smith, Be. Magiverin, James Magiverin, Absalom Jones, William Jones, Freeman Dunham, James Taylor, John McColl, Jacob Gorman, Thomas Brooks, Jacob B. Rosenberger, James B. Sterrett, Wm. Parker, Ira Holden, Holmes Vanhowten, Thomas Thornton, John Buckman, Reuben Babcock, James Babcock, Jos. Babcock, Wilder Babcock, Elisha Babcock, John Servos, Cornelius Barley, Henry Scofirt, John Huston, Samuel Burley, Isaac F. Tillotson, Vincent Southand, Mul. Hurd, Nathaniel Hoghson Jr., Stau. H. Holden, D. Sharp, J. Bowen, Jacob Longaine, Lawrence O. Lane, Michael O. Lane, Phillip Bleam, Robert Gillespie, John Bleam, Geor, Gehazel, John Kaye, William Mcauley, Henry Johnson, William Bliss, Samuel Conger, John Freman, Russell Green, Joseph Raboun, Joseph Brayen, William Fry, Henry Lomli, John Dunning, Michael Hess, Egbert E. Mansfield, James Depew, G. Link, Thos. Butlor, William Thomas, Daniel Crosthwaite, Thos. O. Scott, David Hern Jr., John Snider, Henry Snider, Charles Duffy, K. Williams, Abel Worth, John Flanagan, Thomas Bonnett, Richard Springer Jr., John Klasgye, Jacob Middeaugh, Abel Land, Robert Land, George O. Secord, Henry L. Smith, Jonas Bloom, Daniel McKenny, John Henry, Samuel Andress, Isaac Grant, Andrew Hammon, John Freeman, James Rose, Hugh Morrison Sr., Abraham Horning, Abraham Bartholomew, Josiah Bennett, Ira Holton, Abraham Smith, J. Turner, Samuel Potts, Wm. Crownover, H.N. Case, James Strachan, Samuel W.C. Smith, Robert Lackie, Robert Muller, Thomas Reynolds, M.M. Mills, J.W. Cameron, James Sproule, Alexander Forbes, Charles Cooley, T. McBrian, Bart, Glass, J.B. Brown, Jacob Sett, Stephen Blackstone, Joseph Prostan, Alex. McCann, John Worthington, Benjamin Tyde, Andrew McIlroy, Isaac Walton, Andrew Miller, Frederick Ashbaugh, A. Ryckman, Edward Clement, Peter Hess, Nathan Bostwick, William English, Caleb Forsyth, Elijah Forsyth, John Binkley, Samuel Hagle, David Henry, William Binkley, Samuel Binkley, Andrew Kennedy, John Kinbyell, Peter Smock, James Durand, Hugh McMahon, Henry Durand, Christopher Burns, John Leslie, Joseph Magee, Daniel Campbell, John Miller, Elias Mayer, Thomas Miller, Charles Phillips, John Boney, Wm. F. Cox, Thos. Fores, James Chambers, David Oliphant, Salmon Smith, William Clements, Abner Cassiday, John Smoke, James Hammill, Abraham Ryckman, John Rolph, George Frelick, Manuel Overfield, Edward Foran, Samuel Hare, Christopher Case, Richard Hatt, W. Johnson, Mathew Bayley, Thomas Elliott, Robert McCoullough, George F. Rew, James H. Price, John Bastedo, Henry McDonell, George Durand, William Crawford, William Smith, Benjamin Spencer, William McFadden, Alexander Oliphant, Hugh Chambers, Wm. Robinson, James Thorpe, William Hare, William Rymal, J.H. Burkholder, David Burkholder, Jacob Kern, Andrew Flod, Henry Vamers, David R. Springer, Peter Horning, Thomas Taylor, John Davis, John C. Depew, William A. Davis, Aaron Corould, Jacob Thorpe, Joseph Burroughs, John Ryan, Robert Land, Lewis Thanney, William Gage, Jacob Rymal, John Flook, Peter Lampman, Joshua Steves, Caleb Steves, James Johnston, David Kendall, Jacob Ness, William Lottridge, Perius H. Curtis, Robert Lottridge, Jeremiah Shute, John Fox, Eli. Secord, Peter Hogeboom, George Hogeboom, Edward Ward, Samuel Tisdale, Job. Loder, Henry Beasley, James Biggar, Robert Massman, Thos. R. Tisdale, Edward Hakley, David Marr, John McMichael, Adam Marr, Thomas Williams, George Burn, P.L. Hogeboom, Thomas Baker, James Newton, James Humphrey, Richard Cockrell, John Wright, Peter Lamain, James B. Clark, John J. Ryckman, Joseph Carpenter, William Quay, John M. Secord, Samuel R, Merwin, Eli. Eichito, Matthias Crysler, E. Whitteman, Edward Jackson, Hiram Pipen, H.G. Barlow, Nathaniel Lees, Jacob Ten Eyik, Hiram Adair, John Londsy, Samuel Thomas, Edward Zealand, James Garnett, Thomas C. Ward, Benj. Hazelton, John C. Ludlow, Mic. McChurkey, John Hulchinson, Joseph Biluck, Mathias Vannater, John Andeson, Otis Ingalls Jr. George Depew, Thomas Lettridge, Hen, Lekey, Samuel Croudle, Robert Clements, James Gage, Philip Buck, John Bonds, Leander Hooper, W. Sears, William King, W. Turner, Thomas Ashley, Jeremiah Sud, Wm. Turner, Thos. Archer, John Peer, David Farrier, William Carrigue, J. Fisher, Robert Best, W. Cox, Henry F. Magee, John Magee, Aaron Leake, Thomas Bennet, Michael Farrel, Frederick Loun, Horace Sharpe, Jacob Smith, Stephen Jones, Peter Bloom, James Crawford, Robert Black, Joseph Goodale, Green, Oliver Butts Sr., Thos. Corner, Dayton Reeves, Joseph Merrell, Job Massacre, Charles Harris, John Davis, Oliver Butts Sr., David Agnew, John Noles, Wm. Noles, Sam. Lyon, Joseph Harris, Andrew White, Robert Robinson, W.J.S. Bennet, John Cleaver, Peter Bradt,
Below are the signatures of my Vollick relatives. It was disappointing, but interesting to see that Peter, Isaac and Cornelius could not write their own names, but Matthias could.
Peter and Isaac were my 3rd great grandfather's brothers, and I suspect Cornelius was as well, although their father's name was Cornelius and it is possible this is him.
Image 893 - my Vollick family signatures |
Peter VOLLICK, Isaac VOLLICK, Cornelius VOLLICK, W. Harris, John Hempstreet, Sanuel Dean, James Dean, John Carpenter, James Hunter, Jacob Hampstreet, Abraham Neff, A.A.W. Jackson, Peter Spaun, An. G. Hoogeman, George Redengbur, David Springsted, Peter D. Springsted, John Lee Spaun, Jacob Springsted, Edward Mann, Joseph Jones, John Biggar, Augustus Jones, W.K. Jones, John McKerr, James Duff, sper H.B. TenEyck, Peter McKirby, John Kenney, Caleb Hopkins, Linsford Mosey, George Hobson,
Matthias Vollick, George Glover, Robert Jones, Charles Howard, Wm. Walker, Wm. Livingston, Stephen Sweet, Drake Lewis, Plumer Burley, W. Butts, Bryan Condon, Wm. Parker, Adolphus Flanner, Daniel Stouffer, John Hewit, Samuel Sleighter, John Bricker Jr., Samuel Gaheen, John Wismer, Jacob Wismer, Jacob Shantz, Joseph Martin, Isaac Shantz, Jacob Bleam, Jacob Rosenberger, David Shantz, Peter Beek, G.W. Gusker, Andrew Sears, Abram Beam Sr., Michael Bowen, Jacob Hackerton, Gouvriel Rundrot, J. Keep, Samuel Snyder, Peter Case Jr., Ross Tims, Joseph Kitchen, John Griffeth, Samuel Wood, Norman Ingels, Robert Keefer, Daniel Everitt, Thomas Patten, Wm. Munn, Andrew Armstrong, James Murphy, John Warden, A. Carp, John Kirk, Benjamin Shantz, Martin Ely, William A. Moyers, L. McIntosh, Phinehae Marnam, Peter Erl, George Croft, William Hunsparger, Michael Turner, Christian Bleam, Gideon Southworth, Columbis Gildea, Jacob Bean, David Shantz Jr., John W. Detwiler, William Cub, John Weay, Wm. Springsfield, John Millar, Frederick Millar, Levi Moore, Samuel Moore, Joseph Barber, Abner Roseburgh, Enos Griffeth, Samuel Ranswear, John Gage, Peter Rykert, S. Washburn, Thomas English, William Mitchel, Isaac Griffeth, Alex. Kemp, Peter Carp, Kinear Vansickel, Joseph H. Crooks, Benony Vansickel, Jarvies Evans, Robert Rosebrugh, John Sleeth, Joseph Cornell, Elias W. Forsyth, Jacob Cummins, David Cummins, John Syer, Daniel Cummins, James Parks, William Smith, Lazarus Grifth, Conrad House, Richard Hull, David Rymal, Eli Sly, Abraham Van Norman, Thos. Rich, Thos. G. Chapman, William Finlay, John Howell, John Cummins, Sanson Howell Jr., E. Griffith, John Van Every, William Miller, Calvin Moore, Adam Corner, Ephraim Cummins, Joseph M. Van Norman, David A. Lawrence, Martin Regan, Garnett McHoll, D. Ryan, Pat. Regan, Andrew McVenn, Thomas Johnston, Cornelius Sheehan, John O'Lynch, John Stewart, David Hay, John Brown, Alex. Ross, Alexander McDonnell, David Briles, John Reed, John Smith, Andrew Colburne, Wm. Johnson, Alex. Burt, John McNutty, Thos. Leavy, Charles Armstrong, James Keogh, John Armstrong, John McDonald, Alex. McGregor, Robert Levison, Donald Gilles, Alexander McRea, Hugh McGill, John McGill, Wm. McGill, James McQuillan, Andrew Blacke, James Blacke, John Robson, James Wood, Andrew Morrean, James Tomson, Thomas Brown, Isaac Lennox, John Foster, Chr. Keagh, Edw. Carroll, David Fielding, James Gibson, Patrick Keon, Charles McLeague, John McLeague, Bernard McLeague, James Rogers, Mathew Sweetman, Austin Sweetman, J. Mandafield, Edward Gilmore, Michael Lannon, Mich. Mullen, Joseph Molloy, John Carr, Wm. Thompson, Miles Livingstone, John Weldon, Jas. Thompson, Robt. Morgan, Jos. Morgan, Patrick Caraher, James Walsh, John Sanders, David Gibbs, Thos. Gibbs, Charles Kitchen, James W. Griffeth, Henry Monro, Allan Nixon, John Westwood, Levi Peck, William Mulholland, Rob. Murray, Lawrence Schumerhorn, James VanNatten, William Barber, John Brown, Jemah Banham, Gabriel Hopkins, Adam Almas, Joseph Brown, James W. Noble, Jonathan Stanton, James Barber, Jacob Cope, James Perrine, John Bray, Benjamin Tayler, Ritchard Kitchen, Isaac Willet, Anthony Bunley, George R. Burley, W.O. Burley, David Culp, Edward Evans, James Bigelow, O.W. Everett, John Keagey Sr., Adolphus French, James Gitty, Richard Ayer, Daniel Dotton, Benjamin G. Buker, John Mannen, David Mannen, Elam Bonham, Daniel Snyder, James Given, Abram Gingrich, John Balantine, William Koplin, Geo. Bush, Hugh Brown, Thomas Bourk, Jeremiah Wait, John Davis, Henry Gilmon, William Green, Robert Troop, James Ker, Isaiah K. Millard, Alexander Markle, John Ryckman, Peter Misner, Henry Bloom, Jonas Smith, Benjamin Sneyden, William Green, Peter A. VanEvery, William McCormick, James Hamilton, Duncan McKenzie, David Hill, Smith Connors, Stephen Pembleton, Daniel Anderson, John Wallace, William Misner, Isaac Blosdale, Ephriam Munron, John Owens, Mark T. Brooker, Richard Decker, Edward Carroll, David Aldridge, John Kievell, Hiram Hawkins, William Hickey, George Chambers, William Robbs, David Chambers, Philip Olwell, J. Ginlaw, Jacob Hagey, Jacob Zigter, Henry Oberholtzer, Benj. VanEavery, William Sleith, John Gatins, Sylvester Campbell, Freema Dunham, Rogert Ferrier, Pierre Bliss, Daniel Howell, James B. Morden, Artemus Commins, John Skinner, Geo. Calvert, Samuel Rosebrook, Michael Lancaster, John Mowat, Innes Ker Jr., Jeduthan Bird, Aaron Cornell, James Miller, Edward McQuillen, Jacob Bickart, Barn. Canes, Frances Cochenor, John McMun, David Decken, Alex. McInless, Barnabas O'Neal, George Blurd, Robert McLaghlier, Henry Speara, George N. Horton, Jonah Howell, James Kitchen, John K. Cornwell, James Fonger, Hugh Keachie, Andrew Mc Andrew Flatt, David Abel, John Cope Jr., Daniel Burkholder, Stephen Nisbet, Phillip Cline, Clarkson Freeman, Andrew Banghart, Richard Ayer, Seba Kinniard, P. Elliot, Moses H. Howell, James D. Hare, Michael O. Loan, George Glen, Henry Anderson, Michael Banghart, William Williams, Nicholes Jones, Wm. Burnham, Thos. Hitton, Emey Bedford, Lewis Graham, James Fellenden, William Hamilton, Henry Hannon Jr., John Smith, J. Hathaway, Eli Everitt, William J. Wilson, Charles McCrea, Andrew McCrea, Patrick Coleman, Richard Coleman Jr., George Goodhue, James Waugh, Horace H. Hills, Ralph Morden, Robert Miller, Robert Clements, Henry Cope, Benjamin Burner, Abraham Baker, John S. Green, Edward Thomas, Charles Burnahon, James Banghart, Robert King, Alex. Burner, Thomas Armstrong, Wm. Knowles, William Fonger, John Young, Philip Beemer, Isaac Dewitt, John Dewitt, William Nevills, Rita Hains, David Maul, John T. Cains, Ephraim Vanormin, John Telfer, Samuel Hannon, C. Sullivan, Timothy OKeeffe, William Miller, Richard Coleman, John Coleman, Barzilla Boal, Joseph VanWalkerby, Hugh B. Lee, John Markle, James Blain, Joseph N. Keefer, John Robertson, Thorns Espy, Abner Cheeseman, Mich. O'Neil, George Kintzet, John Hughson Jr., Sebastian Bogel, Adam Thompson, Isaac Smith, Michael Cane, Robert Jameson, Joseph Beemer, William Van Alton, Lent Munson, Thomas Pope, James Fremer, Jacob Fonger, Preserved Cosby, John Cornell, James Hains, John Hains Jr.