Olive Tree Genealogy is continuing a new Alphabet Genealogy series
of blog posts. I'm not following the usual way of going A-Z surnames.
Instead I will create a one word "tag". Then I will share an ancestor (mine, my husband's, an
inlaw's or one of my children's) who fits the tag
Today's letter is I for Immigrant. Who was your first immigrant to arrive in N. America or your country of residence? My first to arrive in Canada, where I live, was Jacques Hertel.
Jacques was one of Samuel de Champlain (The Father of Canda)'s interpretors, brought to New France (Quebec) in 1613
Jacques' daughter Ots-Toch, a half French half Mohawk woman, married the Dutchman
Cornelis Van Slyke in New Netherland.
My most recent immigrant ancestors were my maternal grandparents who
came from England to Canada in 1913. That is 300 years of dozens of my
ancestors coming to North America from their home countries!
Here's a
few of my ancestors who arrived in that 300 year time span. I'm sure most of us have similar multiple immigrant arrivals.
- Cornelis Van Slyke from Holland to New Netherland (New York) in 1634
- Albert Andriessen de Noorman (Bradt family) from Norway to New Netherland (New York) in 1637
- Leendert de Grauw from Holland to New Netherland (New York) in 1637
- Cornelis Van Schaik to New Netherland (New York) in1640
- Jan Snediker from Germany to New Netherland (New York) in 1641
- Lambert Van Valkenburg from Holland to New Netherland (New York) in 1643
- Adriaen Crijnen Post from Brazil to New Netherland (New York) in 1650
- Christian Van Horn from ? to New Netherland (New York) in 1653
- Jan Van Alystyne from Holland to New Netherland (New York) in 1655
- Willem Pieterse Van Slyke from Holland to New Netherland (New York) in 1655
- Herman Coerts from Holland to New Netherland (New York) in 1659
- Simon de Ruine to New Netherland (New York) in 1659
- David Usille from Calais to New Netherland in 1660
- Soert Olferts (Shuart family) from Holland to New Netherland (New York) in 1663
- Georg Wilhelm Kehl from Germany to New York 1709
- Johann Frederich Marical from Germany to New York 1710
- Harmanus Hommel from Germany to New York 1710
- Nicholas Bieri from Germany to Holland then New York 1727
- Hartmann Hunsaker from Switzerland to Pennsylvania in 1731
- Ulrich Gingerich from Alsace to Pennsylvania in 1747
- Jacob Burkholder from Switzerland to Pennsylvania in 1765
- Sophia de Roche from France to Pennsylvania in 1765
- Thomas King from England to Canada 1831
- Betty Bell (nee Higginson) from England to Canada 1831
- Joseph McGinnis & Fanny Downey from Ireland to Canada in 1846
So there you have just a few of my many immigrant ancestors to North
America in that 300 years between 1613 and 1913. Who were your immigrant
ancestors? Who was your earliest?