Why search for ancestors in an Agricultural Census? These records provide details of exact location of land, type of farming, house lived in, livestock and more.
You can search for ancestors in the 1851 Agricultural census at Collections Canada. Caveat: This search engine can NOT be searched by name.
It can only be searched by location but I have an Olive Tree Genealogy Tip to get you right to the first page of Schedule B (the Agricultural portion of the census)
First go to 1851 Agricultural census at Collections Canada.
1. Select Canada West (Ontario) from the drop down list for Province/Colony.
2. Tick the radio button beside "B" for Schedule
3. Tick the radio button for "Descriptions with a digitized image" This limits the search to the surviving digitized Agricultural Census returns. To give you an example if you search without ticking this box, you will see 618 results. But many are not online, it is a list only. If you tick the box you see 302 results, and all have images

Here's an example of what one page of the 1851 Agricultural Census looks like. The graphic used here is blurry but the original is crystal clear.
So don't be afraid to give this a try in your search for more details of an Ontario ancestor.
So don't be afraid to give this a try in your search for more details of an Ontario ancestor.
This is a great post and I was able to follow your instructions well. I have a question.
If the agricultural images are not online but microfilm reel number is listed, how can one find the film to view it?
My ancestor (Martin Gleeson) was in Goulbourne twp in Carleton Co, Canada West. I did find him in 1851 census. By the way, I live in California.
Thanks! Lisa Gorrell
This is a great post and I was able to follow your instructions well. I have a question.
If the agricultural images are not online but microfilm reel number is listed, how can one find the film to view it?
My ancestor (Martin Gleeson) was in Goulbourne twp in Carleton Co, Canada West. I did find him in 1851 census. By the way, I live in California.
Thanks! Lisa Gorrell
Lisa you can check Family Search catalog and order the film in to nearby Family History Center.
I believe you might be able to order the film from Archives of Ontario or National Archives of Canada and have it sent to your local library
Your link to the 1851 Agricultural Census in Collections Canada no longer works.
I'm sure your blog post is years old, even though I discovered it only today.
And now we can search the Ag Census from the 1851 Census search page -- just type in Agric* or similar as a keyword, then choose the Province and District you want. (Search does not seem to work at the Sub-District level for the Agricultural Census)
Kae Elgie kaeelgie [at] yahoo.com
Kae that post is almost 5 years old. I updated the information on that 1851 Agriculturl census here http://olivetreegenealogy.blogspot.ca/2015/05/more-ways-to-find-ancestor-in-1851.html last year
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