We’re Celebrating New Alliances and the Coming of Spring
We can all feel it—spring is just around the corner, literally. We’ve sprung ahead and adjusted our clocks and feel some spring-cleaning may be in our near future. Perhaps a little bird is harkening a call to action to scan those boxes of precious family photos to pass on to future generations. You can scan while sitting at the car dealer waiting for your vehicle to be serviced, on the couch with your family who are all doing their own thing or at your favorite Aunt’s kitchen table…with the Flip-Pal mobile scanner.
MARCHing On—2 Coupon Codes for You to Use!
Coupon Code: FP312A

When you purchase a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner ($149.99), get a Flip-Pal mobile scanner Carry Case FREE (both items must be in your shopping cart)
Coupon Code: CS312A
When you purchase a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner with Creative Suite Craft Edition DVD ($199.99), get a Flip-Pal mobile scanner Carry Case plus a package of Flip-Pal Window Protector Sheets FREE (all three items must be in your shopping cart)
These Coupons are Good from March 19-30, 2012—or While Supplies Last! Just use this link to Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner to order yours today. Be sure to use the coupon code(s) when you have added what you want to your shopping cart.
I'm thinking about buying a Flip-Pal for myself for my birthday. Do I really need the package with the Creative Suite Craft CD? I'll be using it to scan genealogy docs & photos, not interested in scrapbooking.
Ruth Stephens
Ruth's Genealogy
This is the first time I have heard about this item. What can you tell me about it and where can I get it and are there any special offers? I am a retired trucker and a genealogist, without a lot of money. This does look like an item that I could use in all of my research. I look forward to reading more about it and how and where to get it. Thanks.
You can purchase FlipPal by clicking on the links in my blog post.
You can read more about it - things I've done with it, reviews etc at http://olivetreegenealogy.blogspot.ca/search/label/Flip-Pal%20Mobile%20Scanner
They do have special deals now and then and you will always here about them here on my blog.
It's an amazing device, I love mine!
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