I've been following this for several months and it occurs to me that those of us in Canada, America, and Australia have immigrant ancestors. Have you researched yours? Do you know who they were, why they came to your country and when? Do you know how they fared once settled in their new land? Were they welcomed? Were they shunned? Was their discrimination based on their religion or ethnic origin? These are all questions that are important, and interesting to discover. With that in mind, I'm the dedicating Saturdays (as many as needed) as the day to join me in discussing your immigrant ancestors.
You will be able to read any you are interested in by using the keyword Immigrant Ancestors. I'm going to share each week what I know of my immigrant ancestors to North America (whether that is USA or Canada)

He arrived in New Netherland on the ship De Trouw, February 12, 1659 with his wife Aertje Gerrits and 5 Children ages 5, 6, 8, 9 and 17 years
He made a declaration regarding the raid on the town by Captain John Scott in 1664 in New Utrecht.He made the Oath of Allegience to the King of England in 1665 in Bergen, New Jersey.Harmen Coerton of Voorhuysen was buried in the Dutch Church, Bergen, New Jersey. Being the 19th member of the church, the 105th person to be buried there, and the 48th to be covered with the church pall at his funeral.
His wife Aertje died on 2 December 1684 in Bergen, New Jersey. Aertje Gerrits was buried in the Dutch Church, Bergen, New Jersey. Being the 9th member of the church, the 78th person buried there, and the 26th to be covered with the church pall at her funeral.
I started doing genealogy this year on Ancestry but have found some interesting facts. I'm waiting for the results of my DNA. Here is one of my ancestors, I hope.
Katherine Roberts, my 7th. great grandmother,was married to John Jones in Mallwyd, Merionethshire, , Wales. They were Quakers during a time of religious upheaval. Her husband bought land in Pennsylvania with the plan of the family making the move to America. Before this move could take place he died. Katherine took the children and crossed the Atlantic on the Morning Star.
Barb Seibert
Barb, I have Welsh Quaker immigrants, too, although not the names you listed. Mine came to PA in the late 1600s for religious freedom. I also have English Quakers, Pilgrims, Puritans, Scots-Irish, Germans, and Dutch immigrants who came early on to America for religious freedom. Imagine uprooting, leaving homes and family and friends, to practice religion as you please. They were amazing people, and we owe them a debt of gratitude. NM in MN, USA.
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