The Baptismal Register 1756-1822 from THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA New Jersey is just one of many free databases that can be found on my site.
If you have ancestors in New Jersey in this time period, please enjoy looking through the free records on Olive Tree Genealogy. For other New Jersey records see my New Jersey section.
Why doesn't the Old Dutch cemetery come up? No matter what I click on it doesn't actually show the database.
Shirley - where are you on my site when you see a link for Old Dutch Cemetery? Please give me the URL of my page so I can see what you are talking about.
As far as I know I only have cemetery records of the True Reformed Church, Montville, New Jersey on Changebridge Road Also known as the Seceder Cemetery in my New Jersey section
I almost didn't find it either, but then I did, squished over to the right
Can someone pleaes enlighten me? Where is this?
When you click on the link 2nd paragraph for Baptism Register the register is squished over to the right... only on Internet Explorer. It is ok on Chrome and Mozilla.
I will message you a screenshot. As I said it is only in IE
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