In the last 15 years, from February 9, 2003 to January 17, 2018 I've written 3,413 articles and published them here on my blog.
It's interesting to see how I started out slowly, and gradually increased my yearly publications. Then I decreased my output. This was a deliberate move on my part as, to be honest, I felt I was suffering burnout! Decreasing my blog posts to approximately 3 per week has helped and I hope has improved the quality of my offerings to my readers.
► 2017 (264)
► 2016 (309)
► 2015 (379)
► 2014 (366)
► 2013 (379)
► 2012 (355)
► 2011 (371)
► 2010 (269)
► 2009 (259)
► 2008 (192)
► 2007 (114)
► 2006 (17)
► 2005 (86)
► 2004 (26)
► 2003 (12)
I plan on continuing for as many years as possible, so please keep dropping by Olive Tree Genealogy blog and leave your comments. I love hearing from you!
Happy 15th blogiversary. Thank you for all you have provided to the genealogy world.
Happy Birthday and thank you for a wonderful blog. I look forward to reading it every time it appears in my mailbox! I have learned so much from many of your posts. Your kindness to share your knowledge and information is wonderful! Do you have a Facebook page too where you put your posts?
Thanks Kiwigirl - If you click on the Facebook icon at the top left of the page you will be taken to my Olive Tree Genealogy Facebook page. The link is:
Olive Tree Genealogy Facebook page
I also have a newsletter which you can sign up for at http://eepurl.com/c-2Ou9
Thanks Linda! I appreciate your support
Happy blogiversary and many more. I can't wait to read what you write when Feedly feeds me up notice of a new post!
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