Olive Tree Genealogy is continuing a new Alphabet Genealogy series
of blog posts. I'm not following the usual way of going A-Z surnames.
Instead I will create a one word "tag". Then I will share an ancestor (mine, my husband's, an
inlaw's or one of my children's) who fits the tag
Today's letter is Z for Zwahlen.
Magdalena Zwahlen was my 8th great-grandmother. I know nothing about her except that in 1702 she married Michael Jeremiah George Miller in Zweisimmen, Bern, Switzerland.
Since I know nothing about my 8th great grandparents, let me tell you about their daughter Barbara Ann Miller born circa 1707.
Barbara Ann Miller married Nicholas Bieri circa 1720 in the Palatinate. Barbara could write and after Nicholas' death in 1761 she served as adminstratrix of her husband's estate.
Minutes of the Board of Property Lands in Pennsylvania:
At a special metting of ye Agents at ye Governors the 5th Oct'r. 1765:
On the motion of Mr. Weiss for [Barbara] Peery, widow of Nicho's Peery ye Gover'r orders y't ye Surv'r Gen'l shall in 3 Mo's make enquiry whether ye 500 a's Right sold by the H'rs of Rich'd Crosby to Philip Ebrecht was not located by s'd Crosby in his life time.As administrix of Nicholas' estate, Barbara entered a caveat on 5 Dec. 1765 against a survey for Nicholas King which took off valuable land from the estate of Nicholas Beery. A new survey on 22 July 1766 showed the fence line agreed upon when nicholas sold the land to Nicholas King, and the dispute was resolved in favour of Nicholas Beery.
Pennsylvania Caveat Book NO. 3. Land Office, 5 Dec. 1765: Barbara Peery, the Widow of Nicholas Peery and adminstrix of his Estate in behalf of herself and children entreth a Caveat against a Survey lateley made by Charles Lukens, Deputy Surveyor for one N.....olas King by which Survey is taken of a Valuable piece of meadow and orchard late ye Estate of the said Nicholas Peery and contained in a Survey for him made the 11 day of Sept. 1761. Dated Phliad'a. Dec. 5, 1765.
Barbara married as her second husband between 28 July 1766 and 9 June 1767, Jacob Kagy, farmer of Heidelberg Township, York Co. PA. On 19 Oct 1765 Jacob had been warrantee of 50 acres adjoining his other land in Heidelberg Township in Conewago Valley. This land was surveyed at 51 acres and allowance.
On 9 June 1767 Barbara and Jacob and 8 of the 9 children of Barbara and her first husband, Nicholas Beery, released to Abraham Beery, the other son, all right or dower right, title and claim in the estate and property of Nicholas Beery in Manchester Tp. consisting of two tracts of land, 143 acres and 60.5 acres, and all the buildings and improvements theron.
Jacob and Barbara were still alive on 10 Nov. 1787 when Jacob made his will. He states he is living in Heidelberg Township, York Co. PA. See Jacob Kagy's notes for his will.