Several years ago I wrote an article for publication in New Netherland Connections.
it was about my 9th great-grandfather Jan Damen who left
Bunnik Netherland for the New World of New Netherland (present day New
York state) in the mid 17th century. Jan settled in Long Island New York and married Sophia (Fytie) Martens.
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Far right: My 13th great grandfather Jan Damen 1515-1569, 2nd great grandfather of Jan Damen 1638-1707 Five Members of the Utrecht Brotherhood of Jerusalem Pilgrims painting by Jan van Scorel ca 1541 |
I have decided to republish the first 3 pages of my article here on my Olive Tree Genealogy blog. I hope that descendants of Jan and other genealogists enjoy this story of Jan's life in New York. This is Part 3, continuing on from Part 1 and 2
Jan Corneliszen Damen In
The New World
by Lorine McGinnis
In 1679 Jan Damen and wife Sophia Martensz., both from Bushwick,
were accepted as members of the Reformed Dutch Church in Breuckelen.[1] On Sept. 1, 1680, less than one month after
their daughter Sophia was baptised, her mother Sophia was apparently sick
enough to warrant the writing of a will. In the joint will she and Jan made,
Sophia's condition was recorded as
" present being very sick in
In this will Jan and Sophia left everything to each other with the land in Breuckelen specifically
named as well as other lands whose location is not given.[3]
Jan's cousin Jan Cornelise Buys was one of the three witnesses to this
will. (Sophia not only recovered, she
went on to bear three more children in the next seven years.)
Jan Damen was very active in the Church and
community, and on 21 November 1682, at approximately 47 years of age, he was
elected Elder of the Breuckelen Church and confirmed there on 24th December.[4] In a 1683 will for John Smith of Bedford he
is named as "Jan Damen, Constable". [5]
After serving the usual two-year period as Church Elder, Jan was replaced by
Willem Bennet on 19 November 1684.[6]
1686 saw Jan on
the move once again - this time purchasing the main portion of the farm of the deceased Pieter Ceser Alburtis at the
Wallabout.[7] In September 1687 Jan Damen"off
Breucklijn" signed the Oath of Allegiance to the King and was recorded as
being in the country for a period of 37 years.[8]
This confirms his arrival date of 1651.
[1] Translated &
Edited by David William Voorhees, Records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch
Church of Flatbush, Kings Co. NY Vol. I 1677-1720, (Published by The Holland Society of New
York, 1998) p. 363 (Hereafter called Flat.Voor)
[2] Abstracts of Wills Vol I 1665-1707 p. 426 (Liber
7, p. 332)
[3] ibid: "The survivor is to have the full use
of all the estate in Brookland [sic] and elsewhere"
[4] Flat.Voor.
Elections of Elders and Deacons 1677-1706: p 205
[5] LISr: Kings Co.
Wills. p. 105
[6] Flat.Voor.
Elections of Elders and Deacons 1677-1706 p. 209
[7] LISr: Kings
County Deeds. P. 76. This land is described as "...lying in Walebought or Marewich where Pieter Monffort at the
East side and Michiele Picett at the west side stretching alonge the middow
fifty seaven rodd and along the land of Pieter Montford southward into the
woods in length 270 rodd and after in the bosch broad seven and fifty rodd and
then again to the middow north along
Michiele Fransman [Michel the French man, meaning Michel Picett] to the middow
270 rodd amounting 24 morgen 450 rodd.."
[8] The Documentary
History of the State of New York 4 vols. E. B. O'Callaghan Vol 1"Roll off
Those Who have taken the oath off Allegiance in the Kings County in the
Province of New Yorke the 26,27,28, 29 and 30th day of September in the Third Yeare of His Maytsh
[sic] Raigne Annoque Domine 1687" (Hereafter called DHNY)
1 comment:
The above mentioned Willem Bennet is one of my ancestors.see
Zoe Stout
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