The New York Public Library recently digitized a manuscript
List of loyalists against whom judgments were given under the Confiscation Act,
which documents judgments made against loyalists between 1780 and 1783.
It includes the name of the loyalist, their occupation, town or county
of residence, date of indictment, and date of judgment when signed.
Search the lists and read more at the New York Public Library article
Disposessing Loyalists and Redistributing Property in Revolutionary New York
Just took a quick look for one of my ancestors and noticed that the date of Indictment was: 14th of June in the 5th year of Independence.
What year would that be? 1881?
Am I missing something? This list is located online, but one has to request and receive permission to view it?
Am I missing something? This list is located online, but one has to quest and receive permission to view it?
Yes, you apparently didn't keep reading. The sentence right after the one about restricted access says "The entirety of this collection has been digitized and is available online."
Then you see (if you keep looking down the page) the icon under the heading DIGITAL ASSETS that says "38 images" Clicking on that link brings up 38 images of the 38 pages
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